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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 10

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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“You know what?” Suzy asked Justin.
“What?” he asked her taking her hand in his.
“I’m happy.” she said smiling.
“I’m glad to hear that.” he said. Just as he was going to lean in and kiss her for the first time, Lance and Felicia appeared.
“Oh god!” he muttered under his breath.
“Justin, there you are! Where have you been?” Lance asked outta breath.
“Right here, with Suzy.” he said pointing to her in a frustrated voice.
“Well, anyway, Chris told me to tell you that he ordered your jersey and it came last night. It’s in your wardrobe section.” he said gaining his breath back.
“Oh, okay. Suzy you met Lance before, right?” he asked her.
“Yeah of course. Hey Lance.” she replied.
“Felicia, you seen Jackie and Nick. I gotta tell her something important.” Suzy asked her.
“No, sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Have any of you guys seen JC? I really have to talk to him.” Felicia asked them.
“Yeah, I think I saw him in the boiler room.” Justin replied.
“What was he doing in there?!?” she asked surprised. “I have no idea!” he said laughing.
“Well, I guess I better go and find him then.” she said confused.
“Lance, remember that girl you met before last month named Jen. She’s here, why don’t you go find her?” he said trying to get rid of him.
“REALLY! I gotta go, BYE!” Lance said taking off once again.
“So, anyway, where was I, before we were rudely interrupted.” Justin said leaning in again ans smirking.

“JC?” Felicia asked, pushing open the heavy steel door,”Are you in here?”
“Yeah, Felicia is that you?” he asked turning around. “Oh, hi. I wasn’t sure if you were here or not. Justin said you were.” she said examining the boiler.
“Yeah, Nick asked me to check the heat before tonight in case it gets cold or something.
It’s backed up or something, cause nothing is coming through the pipes.” he said wiping his face with the bottom corner of his white t-shirt.
“Oh, well, you need some help, because I have nothing to do.” she asked flashing him a quick half-smile.
“See I would let you help me but, your all dressed and everything and I don’t want you to get dirty or something. Especially when you look so pretty and all.” he said smiling back at her.
She blushed a little and said,” It’s okay, really! I wanna help.”
“If you insist.” he said smiling.
“So what should I do first?” she asked looking around the tiny, cramped room. “You can,..... um, hand me that wrench.” he said pointing to a tool box.
“Oh, okay.” she said handing him the heavy, greasy tool.
“Hey Felicia, by any chance, you didn’t kicked the wooden door-stop out from the bottom of the door, did you?” he asked twisting the wrench around a screw.
“What door-stop?” she asked bitting her lower lip.
“OH, NO!” he shouted, in a frustrated voice, throwing the wrench on the floor.

“We should really get going.” Jackie said pulling away from Nick.
She got off the bed and picked up her clothes.
“Where are you going now?” he asked her still on the bed.
“To take a shower, you can go in after me.” she said walking off into the bathroom.
“What!?!” she said turning on her heel.
“Awww, nothing.” he said walking over to the Playstation.
“Don’t play that now! I was gonna turn on the radio.” “Fine, what are you gonna listen to?” he asked her pulling out her CD case.
“KoRn” she replied.
“Thanx!” she called to him, shutting the bathroom door behind her.
“S’okay.” he said pulling out a small box out from the back of his drawer.

He opened the long, black, velvet box to see a thin, gold, bracelet stare back at him. It had a continuous design of ballet shoes going aroung the clasp. The bracelet was very similar to the one Nick had given her on her birthday last May. Except this one was of ballet shoes, the other one had dolphins connected to one another. Jackie never took off the bracelet. When she wore it she felt Nick’s presence, even if he wasn’t there. And in most events, that was the case. “Freak on a Leash” blasted throughout the room, and Nick bobbed his head along to the music.