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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 11

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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“The blue one or the pink one?” Marilyn asked Josh, holding up two shirts. “The pink one, it’s more feminine.” Josh said pointing. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked a little annoyed. “Nuthin’, I jus’ think you’d look a lot better in girly clothes than in dark colored stuff. Isn’t that what chicks are supposed to wear?” he asked, taking a sip of his Coke. “You know, you never fail to disappoint me. Time and time again. Then you wonder why I’m not madly in love with you.” she shot at him. “No, that’s not the reason why you don’t like me; it’s simply because you have no taste.” he shot back at her taking another sip. “No taste?!? Your the one who has no taste! What about the last pathetic excuse-for-a-human you went out with! What was her name? ............ah, now I remember, Bambi, that’s it, Bambi! She’s the definition of “no taste”!” she yelled. “Is that jealousy I sense?” he asked her smiling slyly. “It’s not jealousy you sense! Why don’t you try intense dislike, repulsion, disgust! That’s what you sense! And if you don’t, maybe I should make my feelings toward you a little more clearer!” she shouted, pushing back her blond hair over her shoulders. “Look, I know your madly in love with me and don’t want to admit it right now, but stop denying yourself! All those emotions and hormones are just gonna end up eating away at you. So listen, Marilyn, when you dedcide to fess-up to your feelings, give me a call.” he said getting up off the chair he was sitting on, and stood right in her face. “Listen jerk-off, why don’t you go and do something to justify your pathetic existence?” she said with a snotty glare. “Have it your way, but remember what I said.” he said getting up and walking off towards the door. “GET OUT!” she yelled throwing a pillow at the door. The door shut and he was gone. Thank god, she thought to herself. What he had said remained in her mind. Did she really like him?

" Well, I’m done so you can go in whenever, but hurry it up cuz we were supposed to be out there already!” Jackie said stepping out of the bathroom, drying her hair with the towel. “I’ll be done soon. How’d you get dressed so fast?” Nick asked, pointing to her clothed body. “Easy, well for the pants, you put them on one leg at a time, and for the shirt you slip it over your head and put your arms through the holes on the sides.” she said as if she were talking to a six-year old. “Very funny.” he said in a way-sarcastic tone. “I know.” she smiled. “Cute.” he said walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “What?” she asked puzzled. “You.” he said squeezing her tighter. “Thanks.” she said reaching over to grab her leave-in conditioner. “Why do you put so much crap in your hair? It’s nice enough as is.” he asked her, playing with a fistful of brown curls. “Because if I leave it the way it is and let it naturally dry with nothing in it, I’ll have a bigger fro than Michael Jackson ever did.” she explained, laughing a little. “Oh,.... okay. Well in that case, I think you should put as much crap in it as you want!” Nick said laughing. “At the rate we’re going, we’re never gonna get outta here on time.” she told him, spraying some finishing spray in her hair. “I’ll be done soon. Give me a kiss before I go in just in case.” he asked her. “Just in case what?” she asked turning around to face him. “Just in case I slip and fall while I’m taking a shower. I could die ya know.” he said smiling. “Nah, that wouldn’t happen. God wouldn’t be that nice.” she said, seriously at first then laughed. “Ya know you gotta be the nicest girlfriend I ever had.” he said jokingly. “Ha,ha.” she said sarcastically. He started to walk away. “Hey wait!” she said running up to him. She spun him around and kissed him deeply. “Just in case.” she said smiling. He laughed and walked into the bathroom. Jackie walked over to the stereo and took out the koRn cd and put in Limp Bizkit’s. “Faith” blasted and this time Jackie was the one bobbing her head.

“Oh look, he got Norega’s “Superthug”, that song’s the bomb!” Brian exclaimed, looking at the Dj’s Cd’s. “I can’t wait to see what these girls are gonna look like tonight!” Wanda said shaking her head. “What girls?” he asked confused. “The fans.” she answered. “Oh, why you afraid of competition?” he asked looking up and smiling. “Hardly! It’s just that these poor 12 year-old’s are gonna dress like sluts for one stupid night because they think you guys are actually gonna look twice at them.” she said laughing. “Wow! That was a mouthfull! But I don’t think they’ll do that. Plus, aren’t there some guys around here that are they’re age?” “No! Everyone is at least 17 and up! What are they gonna do? Maybe we could get them to leave after tonight, like maybe tomorrow morning.” she said thinking. “Maybe. But everyone will probably be suffering from hangovers and won’t care about anything.” he said laughing. “Well, I don’t drink, neither does Jackie. She hates alcohol., the way it tastes, the effects of it,...everything. Any of you guys drink?” she asked dropping a Cd into a box. “Occasionally I do. Aj does. Kevin sometimes. Howie, I’m not sure. And Nick, I don’t think so.” he told her. “Oh.” she said suprised. “What’s with the face?” he asked her. “What face?” “What do you mean “what face” that one?!? The omigod-my-heart-just-stopped face?” he said laughing. “Nothing, I just didn’t think that you were someone who drinks. You seem so,......well, good.” she said trying not to hurt his feelings. “Oh please, like you’ve never done something your know your not supposed to?!?” he snapped. “Plenty.” she snapped back. “Like?” “Well, let’s see, how about that time when me and Jackie stole about $100 worth of makeup at a department store, or when we smoked a pack of cigs, or when we took a buch of clothes from this other store. See lotsa things. I’m not as good as you think. Sometimes when I want to be really daring, I don’t go to church on Sundays.” she said whispering as if it was a big deal; it was obvious she was kidding. (Although to some it is.) Brian laughed.

“Maybe we shouldn’t rush into this.” Suzy said pulling away from Justin and breaking their first kiss. “Why? What’s wrong?” he asked concerned. “Nothing, It’s just that like, two seconds ago we were friends, and now we’re swappin’ spit. I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem right.” she said looking away from him. “What?!? I thought this was what you wanted!” he almost yelled. “I thought so, too. Maybe this wasn’t the right thing to do in the first place. I’m sorry.” she said looking at the hard, wooden, deck floor. “No, I’m sorry...........sorry I ever wasted my time on you. I really liked you. How could you?” he asked extremely hurt. “Justin, I.......” she trailed off. “No, I don’t wanna hear it.” he said and stomped off leaving her alone to sulk. The wind blew and Suzy saw two fans walking up to her. “Hi, um, my name is Chrissy and I just saw you with Justin Timberlake from N’Sync, do you know him?” the perky, blonde girl asked. “Yeah,” she said trying to avoid the girl’s eyes, “ At least I used to.” Suzy stared into the distance hoping to see Justin rushing back to say he understood. Fat chance. “Oh, well, this is my friend Bethany, and we wanted to know if you could introduce us.” Chrissy explained nervously. “Um, yeah, but not right now. Maybe later.” she said studying the other girl who had straight black hair and beautiful violet eyes. She was very pretty. “How old are you guys anyway?” she asked them. “Well, I’m 16.” Chrissy said. “And I’m 17.” Bethany answered. “How’d you get on the boat?” Suzy asked. “We won the tickets on the radio. Why?” Chrissy said fixing her long, blonde, glossy hair. “Oh, no, I just figured that all the girls that won tickets were like 12 and 13. Obviously, I was wrong.” she said with a sigh. “Some are, but there are also girls our age, even some guys. Um, look, I know I don’t know you or anything, but it’s obvious your upset. Why?” Bethany asked Suzy. “Because I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life.” she answered.