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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 9

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright 1999
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The cool breeze felt refreshing against Felicia’s soft skin. Her dark hair flowed freely around her face as the wind blew. The weather was nice considering earlier the temperature was really sticky and hot. The ocean waves rised and fell with each blow of the wind. The boat had not yet set off for sea, but was going to later that night. In the distance Felicia heard noises that were coming from the docks.

“My name should be on the list.” a young man’s voice agrued. “Well I’m sorry sir, but the name Lance Bass is not on the guest list.” the man holding a clipboard said. Felicia’s mouth gaped open. She couldn’t believe Lance from N’Sync was here. She started toward the front of the boat to where the steps were to get off. She spotted Lance and the man standing there agruing with each other. She quickly ran up to him and said,”He’s with me. I’ve been waiting for him for some time now.” “And your name would be?” the man asked. “Felicia Fojas. You can check your dumb list if you want, but I assure you it’ll be there.” she said smiling at Lance. He mouthed the word thanks to her. She nodded. “Oh,.....I see. Well, I hope you two have a good time.” the man said turning bright red. “And what about your bags?” she asked him. “Do you think I should take them with me?” he asked. “Um, I’m sure you can find a place for them.” she said handing the man Lance’s bags. “Yes, of course. Once again I’m very sorry.” the man said still beet red. “I’m sure you are.” Felicia said turning on her heel back to Lance. They walked together back onto the boat. “Thanks a lot. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come out there.” he said graciously. “No prob. So you came by yourself?” she asked him as they sat down on a bench. “Yeah, Chris was gonna come but he changed is mind at the last minute. Do you think you could help me find Justin cause I have to relay a message.” he asked. “Sure. He’s probaly with Suzy somewhere.” she said as she got up and dusted off her shorts. She leaned against the cold metal railing, placing her head in her hands, smoothing back her hair. Lance got up and followed her lead. “Oh, I see. So they’re together now.” he said to her a little sadden. “Do I sense jealously?” Felicia said with a half smile. “No,.....I mean, it’s just surprising. After all that time, it’s just wierd to see them finally together. Jealously is definitely not an emotion that’s happening here.” Lance said informing her.

The wind blew furiously against the cavas sails. The sun was setting and a pale pink shade swept over the sky. The temperature had dropped a few degrees and cool winds blew about. Lance turned around and faced the dock where he had once been standing, arguing with the man. He sighed heavily and breathed in the fresh air that smelled like summer. It tickled his nose and he sneezed. He liked being here, away from all the crazy fans. He boarded the boat thinking that this weekend would be filled with fun and relaxation, hopefully, it would turn out that way.

“Well, I better start looking for Justin. You gonna come with me?” he asked turning back toward Felicia. “Yeah.” she said nodding. They turned and started for the lower level where the rooms were.

“Coming!” Emilie said as she swung the door open to see Joey’s face. “Hi. Can I come in?” he asked, jamming his hands into his pokets. “Sure.”she said stepping outta the way so Joey could get by. “So, um, whatcha doing?” he asked looking aroung the room. “Nothing, just putting on my makeup. Why do I get the feeling you have to ask me something?” she said looking into the mirror opposite the bed Joey was sitting on. “Because I am. How didja know?” he asked surprised. “Your nervous.” she said taking out her powder brush. “Well, you know Dana, right?” he asked running his fingers through his brown hair. “Yeah.” she replied carefully running the power-filled brush over her skin. “Do you know what kinda guy she goes for?” Joey asked blushing a little. “Well, you see, I met her not too long ago, so I don’t know much about her. Why don’t you ask Jackie or Wanda? They all basically grew up together.” she told him now applying her eye shadow. “I tried asking Jackie but she and Nick weren’t in their rooms, I can’t find Wanda or Brian either.” he explained. “They’re probably upstairs eating or something. Check the cocktail bar. Sorry I’m not a big help, but if you need anything else you know where to find me.” she said smiling. “Thanks.” he said and headed out the door.

Emilie continued doing her makeup. She outlined her lips in her MAC lip pencil and filled them with a matching lip color. She threw on her clear mascara and sprayed on some perfume. She admired her work of art in the mirror. She opened her closet door and picked out a cute, pale green slipdress that had small flowers embellished on the very bottom, matching sandals, and threw her strawberry blond hair into a quick up ‘do. Having finished, she took her card-key and slowly shut the door behind her.

“No I think that you guys could do more dancing. As a fan, I think that more dancing would make the show look better. Ya know, get the crowd pumped up and all.” Wanda said to Brian. They were discussing ideas for the boys next U.S. tour starting the following summer. “Really, but the thing is, sometimes we think the fans don’t appreciate all the hard work we put into the show. Especially since we have to memorize all those steps. Sometimes, we think that all they wanna do is see us fool around and take off our shirts.” he said. “What?!? If the fans didn’t “appreciate” all the things you guys do, then why would they buy the tickets, to see the show, in the first place! Think about it.” she pointed out. “I guess your right.” “I know.” she said smiling. “Beautiful night, huh?” she said focusing on the water. “I don’t know. It’s not the night I’ve been paying attention to.” he said smiling at her.

She blushed. It was almost 9:00 now and the boat had already set sail. Wanda and Brian were now on the upper deck of the boat, leaning against the railing of the boat. That was over-looking the ocean that seemed as if it was black, but when a wave would rise and fall, it was clearly a beautiful dark blue color. The sky was cloudless and dark with small, shiny stars peeking out from up above. The night was magical.

“Well, I’ve got to go down to see if the Dj is all settled. Wanna come?” he asked her holding out his hand. “Um, yeah.” she said taking it.