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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 7

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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“Well let’s get going, cause Nick is probaly wondering where I am.” Jackie said as they began walking towards the back of the dock. “By the way, how are you and Nick?” James asked. “Fine. We’re both really happy with each other.” she replied. “That’s good.” James said thoughtfully. “How’s Wanda and Suzy?” Jen asked adjusting her long, blond ponytail. “They’re good. Wanda is hanging around Brian; Suzy is with Justin. They’re hapy as far as I’m concerned.” Jackie told Jen, as she tucked a brown curl behind her ear. “So how come you don’t sound so happy? You’re still taking your medication, right?” Jen inquired extremely concerned. “Of course!” she said getting defensive. “Oh, there they are!” Kerr pointed out, sensing tension was rising among the friends.

Jackie quickly ran up to Nick and hugged him so tight her fingers turned purple. She felt so safe in his arms. It like the world seemed to be perfect when he held her. “Are you okay?” Nick asked looking down at her. “Um,... yeah. Fine.” she said putting on a fake smile. “Anyway, these are my friends Katie, James, Josh, Marilyn, Jen, Fred, Felicia, John, Michelle, Kerr, Dana, Keith, Ryan, and Steven. And my friend Carolyn is in the front talking to Howie. They should be coming soon though.” Jackie said as she pointed out each one. “Nice to meet you.” Nick said as he offered a handshake to all of them.

She introduced everyone to everyone else. Both groups began making conversation until, they were interrupted by the boats horn blowing. That was the sign that they were going to start boarding passengers. The fans were the first to go on board. Nick pulled Jackie away from the crowd.

“Are you sure your okay?” Nick asked her. “I’m fine. Will everyone just stop asking me that?!?” she blew up at him. “Jackie, you know I hate it when you lie to me! What’s wrong?” he asked her getting frustrated. “I just need to relax. I’m all strung up from planning and calling that I just need some rest. That’s all. Chill,...... okay?” she said calming down. “Okay. But just remember that I’m here if you wanna talk.” he said fixing his deep baby blues into a stare. “Thanx,..... I’ll be fine.” she said staring back. “C’mon. Let’s go have fun and forget all about this!” she said as she took his hand and led him to the others.

“So what are you gonna do tonight?” Suzy asked Justin who was putting gel in his hair. “I’m going to the party. They’re supposed to have this great Dj there.” Justin said admiring his creation in the mirror. “Oh.” Suzy said bluntly. “Why? Aren’t you coming?” he asked her. “Nah.” “Why?!? I thought we were supposed to dance together!” Justin shrieked. Suzy was too busy playing N64 to hear him. “What?” she said distracted. “I said,” Justin said as he went over to shut off the televison,” I thought we were supposed to dance together!” “What’s wrong with you?!? I was about to beat the game!” “What’s more important, me or that stupid game?!?” “You really wnt me to answer that!” “What?!?” Justin said shocked. “I’m just kidding! Anyway, what’s the big deal,” she said turning around,”it’s not like we’re going out or anything!” She peeked out of the corner of her eye to see his reaction. “And what if we did? Would you treat me like this?” he asked getting really touchy. “No!” “Alright then!” “Alright what! It’s not my fault you didn’t ask me out. So DON’T complain when I don’t wanna do anything with you!” she blew up. “Is that it?!? Do you want me to ask you out?!?” he threw in her face. “No, I wanna go out with Howie! Of course I want you to ask me out!” she threw back. “Fine! Suzy, do you wanna go out with me?!?” Justin shouted. “Fine!, Justin, I’ll go out with you!” she said not even realizing what had happened. He walked over to her and laughed. She began laughing because he was laughing. “What are we laughing about?” she asked in between giggles. “I just asked you out, and I made such a big deal about. But I really wanted to do it for so long.” he said cracking up. “Oh! Funny! Um,....... so does this mean we’re going out officially?” she asked again and laughing hysterically at the same time. “Yeah!” he said still laughing.

Suzy stopped laughing and then reality hit.