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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 8

Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1999
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“I’m almost done changing. Tell me what you think, okay?!?” Wanda yelled from the bathroom to Brian who was waiting for her in her room. “Okay” “There, I’m done. Be nice okay.” she said as she walked out of the bathroom. “OHMIGOD!!” Brian’s mouth gaped open.

He was staring at Wanda’s evening atire. It consisted of a pair of black, metallic- looking satin tight pants that almost looked like capris, with a silver shirt that was cut off at the elbows. The shirt was button-down, tight-fitting (but not that tight), and extremely pretty. Her shoes were open-toe, strappy sandals in a iridescent silver color. They perfectly matched her shirt. A cute little silver butterfly laid on top of the very first strap of the shoe. The butterfly was clearly visible. Wanda made it that way because butterflys are her favorite thing. She also accessorized with a pair of tiny butterfly earings and a small butterfly, beaded necklace. Brian sure did have something to look at.

“Is that good or bad?” she asked frowning. “Nnnno.” he said stuttering. “Well,......what do ya think?” she asked waiting for an answer. “You look like,........ like........” “Like?!?” “Beautiful” “Thanks!” she said smiling widely and blushing. “So,, who are you going with? Must be someone special. I mean you got all dressed up and all. “Actually I am.” “Who?!?” Brian asked getting defensive. “I thought we were going together.” she said getting worried. “No, I meant someone special.” “Yeah and I said I’m going with you. What part of that didn’t you get?” “Oh,....... okay!” Brian said smiling again. “Well, I better get going. I have to get ready for my big date tonight.” Brian said getting up to leave. “Wait a second! I thought we were going together! You can’t just dump me for some big date!” Wanda said getting pissed off. “We are going together.” Brian said and left. “How could he............ oh.” Wanda said getting it. She smilied.

"YOU CHEATED!” Jackie exclaimed. “No I didn’t! I can’t help it if you suck.” Nick said smiling at her. “Shut up!” she said throwing a pillow at him. “Hey, that’s no reason to get violent!” he said laughing. “If that’s the way your gonna be, I’m shutting off the game.” Nick said getting up and turning off the Playstation. “What are you going to wear tonight?” she asked him as she leaned against the headboard of the bed she and Nick were sitting on. “I don’t know. I don’t have to get dressed up, do I?” “No.” “So then I’m wearing like cargos and a shirt or something.” he said looking through his drawers that were overflowing with clothes. “I don’t know what I’m gonna wear.” she said wrinkling her brow. “I’ll help you pick something out. If you want.” he offered. “Okay, but what?” she asked. “What about that blue t-shirt with the little panda bears on it, and, um, those navy blue looking cargo pants. Ya know I really like those pants.” Nick said using his hands as a way to describe the shirt and pants. “I don’t wanna wear pants! It’s boiling outside!” Jackie said pointing to the small window in the room. “Trust me, your gonna get cold! Especially since it’s outdoors on the deck. Just wear the pants.” he said pulling out his clothes from the drawer. “Fine, but I gotta take a shower so hurry up!” she said rummaging through the racks of clothes in the closet. “You know, to save time, we could take a shower together.” Nick said with a stupid grin forming on his face. “ What?!? In your dreams and my nightmares.” Jackie answered joking around. He ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug from behind. “Stop!” she said giggling. “No, I like to bother you.” He picked her up, pulled her over to the bed, and dropped her down on her back. “If you don’t leave me alone I’m gonna tickle you!” she said still laughing uncontrollably. “No, don’t!” he said laughing also. She started to tickle him all over and Nick laughed so much his stomach ached. “Okay, okay! That’s enough!” he said laughing. She stopped and pulled herself on top of him. “Your so cute when you laugh.” she said pinching his cheek like an annoying aunt would do to her nephew. She ran her fingers through his soft blond hair. “Well, I better start to get ready.” she said getting up. “Don’t go anywhere; we have plenty of time.” Nick said pulling her back down. He turned over on top of her and kissed her neck as he made his way to her mouth.