"Mornin' sleepy head!" a loud voice said as I sat up on the couch the next morning.

My head turned to Chris, who was all ready dressed, and brewing some coffee in the kitchen.

"Morning." I murmured, standing up.

My whole body tingled. It seemed as though my dream had been a reality. I felt as though Josh had just made love to me for the first time, and I was still feeling the effects of his sweet caress.

Chris starred at me as I walked over to him, his brow wrinkled. "What's going on?"


"Your glowing" he said.

I blushed. I even had the after-sex glow happening for me. "I dunno." I lied. "I must have had a nice dream or something." Yeah. A REALLY nice dream.

"Oh," Chris turned back to the coffee pot. "Do you want some?"

"Yeah. I'm going to take a shower. Just leave come for me, and I'll get it when I'm done." I said.


I shuffled into the bathroom, showered, then went into my room and changed into a tight long sleeves dark navy blue shirt, and black flared jeans. I was mourning and I wanted the whole world to know it.

After dressing and brushing my hair, I went back into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee.

Chris was sitting at the table, still sipping his own cup, and starring into space.

I sat down across from him. "What are you thinking about?"

"The press conference" he replied.


"I'm worried about questions they might ask."


"What if they ask me a question that just makes me break down in front of everyone?"

I reached across the table and rubbed his arm comfortingly. "It's ok, Chris. Nobody will judge you if you do break down. In fact, they probably expect it."

"Even so. . . "

"I'll be there for you, ok? You've been here for me so much, now it's my turn."

Chris's lips turned up into a tiny smile. "Thank you."

Something seemed to catch his eye, and Chris starred at my neck. "What's that?"

"What?" I looked down. A glint of gold caught my own eye, and they widened. The necklace Josh had given me in my dream dangled from my neck. "Oh, J-Josh gave it to me." I said, flustered.


I nodded, clasping my fingers around it. "Yeah." I replied. "It's my good luck charm."

Part Nine
Part Eleven
