At precisely 11:30 a.m. Lance, Justin, Joey, Chris and I were lead out to a room filled with reporters, and seated at a long table with a microphone in front of each seat. Chris held my hand tightly as we walked out and I sat down between him and Joey.

"Excuse me, everyone please settle down, and the press conference will come to order." Jeff said into a microphone. "I'm Jeff Clarke, NSYNC's media manager, and I'd like to introduce you to Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, and Danielle Fountaine. Ms. Fountaine was a long time friend of JC Chasez, and was there at the time of the shooting. With that said, I'll let them take it from here."

Jeff nodded toward us and Lance to the initiative by pointing to a woman in the front of the crowd.

"How are you all coping with the loss of such a close friend and business partner?" she asked.

"This is a hard, hard time for all of us," Justin was the first to speak. "Prayer has been very important to me, more now then ever. JC was one of my closest and dearest friends, and it is still very hard for me to believe he's not here."

Everyone at the table nodded.

"Have final arrangements been made for Mr. Chasez?" another reported asked.

"Yes," Lance answered. "There is a private ceremony being held this afternoon, and tomorrow an open ceremony will be held for fans and media to remember JC." Lance pointed to another reporter.

"First of all let me give my condolences on your loss, Mr. Chasez will be missed."

"Thank you." Joey said.

"My question," the reported continued, "Is what are your future plans as NSYNC? There is a tour presently going on, and an album scheduled to be released over the summer. Do you plan to go on without Mr. Chasez?"

"NSYNC isn't NSYNC without JC in it, so, as of now, the tour has been canceled, the album release date is being pushed back, and all future plans are being reconsidered, until the fiv-" Chris caught himself before he went on. "I mean, four of us can get togther and make a decision on what will happen next."

"Has the murderer been arrested?"

"No," Joey answered. "They haven't even got any suspects at this point."

"Ms. Fountain," said another reporter. "What happened the afternoon of the shooting?"

I took a deep breath. "Josh and I were shopping at a local super market for snacks. We were planning on just going to my apartment and watching movies, but," I could feel my chest tighten, and I didn't know if I could go on."

"*Just Breath.*" an airy voice blew through my ear. "*I'm here. It's Josh. Just breath.*"

I did and went on in a shaky voice. "We never made it home. The robber threatened my life, and Josh jumped in front of me as I was being shot at. He saved my life, without even thinking about it. He's my hero."

"I noticed you spoke of him as Josh, while most of the world knew him as JC. Were you two close?"

I nodded. "Josh and I grew up together. He was my best friend."

"Did the relationship ever go any further then friendship?"

I shook my head. "I love Josh with all my heart, and It wasn't until just before his passing that Josh and I confessed our true feelings for eachother. We never got to see where those feelings would lead."

Justin, Lance, and Joey looked at me, and I could tell they were shocked. I hadn't told anyone except Chris about this.

"So, you were there at the time of death? What were Mr. Chasez final words?"

I thought for a moment, letting that nights events flow through my mind as if I were playing a movie.

"That was better then when we were thirteen." I finally answered.

"Could you clarify?"

Tears sprang to my eyes and threatened to over flow. "We had just-just-just-"

Chris put a comforting arm around me, but it was Josh's love I felt enveloping me, not his own.

Not able to go on, I buried my head in Chris's shoulder.

"Next question, please." Joey said, reaching over and rubbing my hand.

"Chris, it's been reported you've been stating at Ms. Fountaine's home. Is this so?"


"Are you two planning on making this a permanent living situation?"

"No." Chris said. "We find it more comforting to have someone there for us and help us get through this rough time, so, I have been staying there."

"I think what she was getting at," another reported but in. "Is are the two of you currently in a relationship?"

I felt Chris's heartbeat quicken. "No, Our relationship goes no further than friendship." then he lowered his voice and muttered. "Although I wish we could be more."

I pulled away from him quickly and starred at him, shocked. "What?"

Chris looked at me, his eyes wide, and vulnerable. I could tell he hadn't meant to speak those words aloud, and that my ears were no deceiving me. It was also very apparent that a whole room full of camera's and reporters were starring at us, waiting to see what would happen next.

Part Ten
Part Twelve
