Not to much later, Chris and I decided to go home. As soon as we got there, I grabbed a pillow and a comforter, and feel asleep on the couch.

The moment my eyelids closed, I was transported into a world of pure white, where smoky clouds floated around at my feet, and there was a tall staircase leading to nowhere I could tell.

"Hello?" I called out.

A bright light flashed high above the staircase, and suddenly he appeared before me.

He walked slowly down the staircase, his black hair slicked back, and wearing a white suit with a black tie and lining. He smiled as he approached me.

"Josh." I breathed."

"Danielle." he took my hand and led me to the staircase, where we sat down.

"Why am I here again?" I asked. It wasn't tat I didn't want to be there, it was just. . . I realized I couldn't live in a dream world.

"I heard you thinking and through you might like to talk."


"What's got you worried?"

"There is a press conference tomorrow about you. They asked me to participate in it, but, I'm worried I am not strong enough to get through it." I replied.

"You are." Josh said shortly.

"I don't think I am. Not without you. If only you could be there with me."

"I can be."

I looked up at him curiously. "You can?"

Josh held up his hand. A golden chain with a heard shaped locket dangled from his hand.

He wrapped his arm around me, putting the chain on. "Wear this tomorrow, and I'll be with you."

"Well it be there when I wake up?"

Josh nodded.

We fell silent, just starring at each other.

I sighed. 'I keep thinking about all the things we never got to do."



"For the longest time you were the only one I wanted to do anything with." Josh told me.

"But we couldn't. We were so far apart."

Josh nodded.

"Ya know, you and I never really dated to much, even though we both know we could have. DO you think it was because deep down we knew we were meant only for each other?"

"Yes. Only that feeling wasn't deep down for me. It's always been on the surface."

I placed my hand on Josh's. "And now we'll never get to share things the way other couples in love get to."

"Who says we can't?"

I gave Josh a look. "Your not exactly alive anymore, baby."

"So? Your here. . .I'm here. .. we're in love. . . we're not whole without each other. . . " Josh tilted his head sideways, and pressed his lips softly to my neck.

As strange as him doing that felt, it also felt a million times more perfect then it felt strange.

Josh wrapped me in his arms and I just about melted at his touch.

"Josh. . . " I murmured.


"I want to experience everything with you, but, are you sure this is right?"

Josh stopped kissing my various body parts and looked down at me. "Does it feel right?"

"Yeah. With you, everything feels right."

"Then it's right."

I smiled, and our lips met shortly. I ran my fingers through his hair, down his neck, and to his shoulders.

Slowly, I pushed the corners of his white jacket from his shoulder until it fell to the ground.

Josh wrapped his arms around me tightly but gently, snuck the tips of his fingers inside the hem of my shirt and smoothly pulled it over my head.

Fog seemed to engulf our bodies as we continued on, discovering the true meaning of love.

Part Eight
Part Ten
