"Danielle?" Lance asked. He had been the one to open the door for us. "Are you going to come in?"

I was frozen. I couldn't move, or think, or feel. My whole body was numb.

"Why aren't you moving?" he asked.

Chris put his hand on my back, and gave me a soft push, trying to make me walk inside. What he did was jolt me into hysterics.

"You didn't just hear that?" I asked, loudly.

"Hear what?" Chris asked.

"Josh! He said 'I promised'!"

"Danielle. . . "

"NO! He did promise! The other night he said that he would never leave me! Even in. .. even in. . " a loud sob escaped my lips. "death."

Everyone crowded into that hotel room was starring at me, as Chris pulled me into his arms for what must have been the millionth time in the past three days.

"Shhhh. .. " he said, stroking my back. "It's all right. Your just a little confused."

I pulled away from him. "I'm not confused! I know what I heard! It was him!"

I heard Karen on the other side of the room begin to cry. It was the first time in my life I had heard her cry. I stopped, and starred at her.

New tears began to form in my eyes as I walked across the room to her.

She stood up,and we met in a hug.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

This only made her cry harder.

We stood there crying in eachothers arms, as everyone looked on.

Part Three
Part Five
