Brian, Brittny, Nick, Katie, Kevin, and Howie were all squished into the front lounge. It was crowded, but they didn't care. Anything to get away from AJ and Danielle.

Ever since the incident last night, they had been fighting non stop, and they were driving everyone insane.

Now they were in the back lounge fighting over the remote.

"God, I hope AJ's plan works tonight so they'll SHUT UP!" Katie exclaimed, hoping they would hear the shut up part.

"That girl sure knows how to hold a grudge." Kevin muttered.

Brittny stood up and slipped to the very front of the bus.

"Ed?" she asked the driver.

"Yeah?" he barely took his eyes off the road.

"How much longer till we get off this bus?"

"Approximately an hour and a half until we get to Atlanta."

Brittny groaned. "An hour and a half more of listening to them fight? I'm going to go CRAZY!"

"Sorry, Brittny, but, I can't go any faster then this."

Brittny patted his shoulder. "Not your fault. I guess I'll just have to go tell them to shut the hell up.

Ed chuckled and Brittny walked back to the front lounge.

"Nearly two more hours of this." she complained, sitting down.

"We have got to do something about this." Nick said.

"Your right." Brittny stood back up and stormed to the back lounge.

"Give me the fucking remote!" Danielle was yelling.

Brittny walked over to AJ, grabbed the remote, and pressed the off button.

"What is wrong with you two?" she yelled, putting her hands on her hips. "Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You are fighting over the remote! Now you both know the root of your problems is not who wants to watch what show. Now unless you can solve your problems and act civilized, just stay away from eachother because you are driving the rest of us crazy."

AJ and Danielle starred blankly at her.

"Now, can you tow handle this like adults, or do I need to treat you like babies and separate you?"

"I can handle it." AJ mumbled.

"Danielle?" Brittny asked.

Danielle said nothing. She just glared at Brittny, stood up, and walked away.

AJ groaned.

Brittny sat down next to him. "Why do you even bother fighting with her? If you want to get her back, fighting will not do it."

AJ slumped back into the fluffy cushions of the couch. "I wasn't even fighting with her. She just started yelling. I figure if I just let her scream, she'll get all her aggressions out, and maybe. . . I don't know. . .she won't hate me so much."

Brittny stood up again, and patted him on the shoulder. "Give it time, kid, she'll come around."

"Tomorrow nights the night."

Part Eight
Part Ten
