Tuesday morning, Brittny pushed her bedroom window open, grabbed one of the bean bag balls off of her desk, and beamed it across the yard at Danielle's window like they used to when they were young.

Moments later Danielle pushed back her curtains, and opened her window. "Yeah?"

"Are you ready?"

"Almost, I've just gotta pack a couple more things."

Brittny nodded. "Me, too."

"What time do we have to be at the O-Rena?" Danielle asked.

That day what were doing a full dress rehearsal, the kick off of the BSB/Unique tour, and as soon as the show was over, jumping on their double wide bus, and heading to Atlanta.

"10. We're all gonna go over in Diane's mom's van, so we can pile all our stuff up in it." she replied.

"Ok, so, we have an hour and a half. Are you excited?"

"Of course! Our first US tour, and I get to spend it with my boyfriend. Not only am I excited, I'm ecstatic!"

Danielle forced a smile. "Great. I'm happy for you."

Brittny sat down on the ledge of the window. "Worried about AJ, huh?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"Don't worry, hun, everything will work out. Know how I know?"


"Because for as long as I've known you, you've always been able to work out your problems so that you get what you want. I don't know how you do this, but, you do it none-the-less."

Danielle let out a little laugh. "I just hope this is one of those times."

Brittny gave her an encouraging smile. "It will be."


"Well, I'm gonna go finish packing. I'll see you later, k?"

"Yeah. Bye."

Both girls closed they're windows, and went back to packing.

"This bus is much bigger than our last bus." Katie gasped, as she, Brittny, and Danielle climbed onto the white and blue tour bus.

"Our last bus was only meant to hold ten people. This one is made to hold fifteen." Danielle point out.

"Even though there are only ten of us." Brittny shrugged.

They carried they're luggage to where the bunks were, and piled it al into the lowest bunk on the left side.

"This is the junk bunk." Brittny said.

"Yup." Danielle pulled a patterned quilt that her great grandmother had made of for her when she was nine, out of one of her bags, and put it in the second to last bunk on the right side. "And this is my bunk."

"All rig-" Katie was cut off by a tremendous amount of noise in the front of the bus.

"Home sweet home!" Kevin's voice boomed.

The guys piled into the bus.

"Hey girls." Howie said, walking into the bunk area, and dumping his stuff on one of the bunks.

"Hey." Katie greeted. "I, uh. . . have to be somewhere. . . uh, somewhere not here." Danielle said. She brushed past everyone, and got off the bus.

AJ sighed. "Can you guys help me out?"

"Sure." Katie replied.

"With what?" asked Brittny.


"Ah. . . " Brittny nodded.

"I need you to help me get back with her."

"How do you expect us to do that?" asked Katie.

"Well, I have a plan. . . "

Part Six
Part Eight
