"I don't think she'll like that to much." Brittny said, after AJ had explained his plan.

"I don't care if she likes it, just as long as she stops hating me." AJ said.

Katie shrugged. "This might just piss her off even more."

"And it also might just work. Either way I won't be losing anything I haven't already lost."

They both nodded.

"I guess your right." Katie said.

"I've already talked this over with the rest of the guys. I just need you two to make sure she's there." he said.

Brittny nodded. "We can do that. Tonight?"

"No." AJ shook his head. "We wanna get everything situated first, so, the plan will go into action in Atlanta."

"All right, if you say so." Katie shrugged.

"Brittny! Katie!" Danielle's voice came loudly from outside.

"What?!" Brittny called back.

"We have a sound check! Now!"

Katie and Brittny glanced at eachother.

"I guess that means we have to go." Katie said.

"Yup." quipped Brittny, as they turned away.

"Thanx!" AJ called after them.

So far that night everything had gone perfectly. Unique's soundcheck/dress rehearsal and the Backstreet Boys soundcheck/dress rehearsal had run smoothly.

When Unique opened for the guys, the crowd went wild, and now the guys were on stage, performing their last number.

Brittny, Danielle, and Katie were on the bus with they're families, saying their final good-bye's before heading out on tour.

"Ladies," a security guard said to the girls, entering the bus. "Due to the fact that the show is almost over, and we need to leave quickly in order to keep the Backstreet Boys from being mobbed, I'm going to have to ask everyone to leave now."

Everyone groaned, exchanged hugs, and left.

"This is it, guys." Katie said, happily. "Once the guys board this bus, we're off."

"Yeah!" chorused Brittny.

"Fun. . . " Danielle trailed off, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Katie and Brittny exchanged looks.

"Danielle. . . " Brittny began.

"I know, I know. Talk to him. Whatever. Right now, I'm just going to go. . . read." Danielle whirled around, grabbed her book out of her bunk, and curled up on one of the couches in the back lounge. "Ew! Gross!" Katie cried, when Nick wrapped his arms around her. "Your all sweaty!"

"I bet I smell bad, too." Nick grinned.

Katie wrinkled her nose and nodded.

"We're off!" the driver, Ed called.

The guys got cleaned up. Kevin, who looked exhausted, immediatly collapsed in his bunk. Brittny and Brian disappeared into Brian's bunk, doing lord knows what. Howie grabbed his lap top, set it up in the back lounge, and began playing some game. Katie and Nick cuddled together in the front lounge/kitchen, talking, and AJ sat near by.

Once they started making out, AJ grabbed a bottle of Pepsi out of the mini fridge, and made his way to the back lounge.

He paused when he saw Danielle curled up with her book, but decided not to avoid her like she had him.

"Hi, Dani."

Danielle looked up. He was talking to her. It wasn't to late. After what had happened earlier, she had no doubt in her mind that he hated her. A million thoughts ran through her head. The final one-the image of him and Brittny together. "Danielle." she corrected, looking back at her book.

AJ shook off her cold comment, and walked over to her.

Danielle peered up at him. "Can I help you?"

He was just standing there, hovering over her. Starring down at her.

"I was just. .. wondering what book you-" the bus jolted, and AJ flew forward, his drink flying out of his hand.

Danielle squealed as the cold liquid devoured her.

"Oh my God!" AJ cried. "I'm so sorry!"

He reached over and grabbed Howie's bottled water. "Quick, put this on it do it doesn't stain."

Without thinking, he poured a little of the water down the front of her shirt.

"What the hell are you doing?" she yelled.

AJ backed up. "I-I'm sorry. I was just trying to help."

Danielle stood up. "You thought pouring water on me was helping me?! What did you do? Leave your brain on stage?"


"I don't need your help!"


"Just leave me alone!" she threw her book down on the couch.


"No!" she whirled around. "Don't say a word! Just LEAVE ME ALONE!"

With that, she stormed to her bunk, leaving AJ to stare after her, a painful look on his face.

Part Seven
Part Nine
