"What'd she say?" Justin asked eagerly, as soon as Joey hung up his cell.

"Chill, Bounce. You sound like your life depends on what she said." Joey said.

"It does!"

"Then prepare to die."

Justin's face fell. "What? What happened?"

Joey sat down next to Justin in the lounge area of their bus. "SOrry man, but she invited us over, and told me to ask you not to come."

"Damndit! I gotta go talk to her, Joey. You don't know how much I need to talk to her."

"Yeah, I do. But, you don't know how much pain you caused her."

"I do. I do." Justin put his head in his hands.

Joey shook his head. "No, Jus, you don't. I've been there. I've talked to her on the phone. I've listened. She was so heartbroken. She still is. You really really hurt her."

"I've got to talk to her, Joe. I've got to make things better with her."

"I don't think you can."

"Well, I've got to at least try."

Joey sighed. "Alright. you can come. But if you do anything-anything more to hurt her, your ass is mine."

"I won't. I promise, I will never, ever, hurt her again."

JC entered the lounge, eating an apple. "Hey guys. Did you get a hold of Danielle and Brittny?"

"Yep." Joey replied. "we're gonna go hang out at their place tonight."

"Cool." JC sat down. "Are we gonna go clubbin at all?"

"Nope. Danielle said she couldn't find a baby-sitter on such short notice."

"Oh, that's right." JC took a bite of his apple. "We get to meet the baby." JC immediately regret what he had said in Justin's presence.

"My baby." Justin said softly.

JC stopped mid-chew. "What did you say?"

"I have been such an idiot these past few months. Chris helped me realize last night what I should have known. Noah Christopher is my baby." Justin said, the most serious look on his face.

Just then, Lance came into the lounge,rubbing his eyes sleepily.

The serious look vanished from his face, and he burst out laughing, causing the guys to look up.

Lance's face was covered with make-up, and he didn't seem to realize it. JC and Joey burst out laughing.

Lance yawned. "What's so funny?"

"Man-" Joey choked out between breaths. "You-you have ma-make-up on your fa-face!"

"What?!" his eyes widened. He ran over to a mirror hanging above the couch. "Oh my god! Chris!"

Chris jogged into the lounge. "Someone call?"

Lance whirled around. "Did you do this to me?!"

CHris tried to look innocent. "Me? Never!"

"You ass hole! Why did you do this?"

Chris shrugged. "I was bored."

The bus pulled to a stop. "We're at Justin's!" Their driver called. "Do you all want to get off here, or should I drive each one of you home?!"

Justin jumped up. He ran through the bus, grabbed his bag of stuff he had packed that morning before their radio interview off his bunk, the guys following closely behind.

"Drop them off at their own places." Justin said to Jim, the driver. He turned to Joey. "Give me a call and let me know the deal about going to Danielle's later, all right?"

"Yeah. Whatever. bye."

With that, Justin jumped off the bus and ran into his home.

Part Three
Part Five
