"Ah," Kirsten winced lying in bed holding her side.
She closed her eyes hoping to fall asleep as the pain numbed her side.
"Mac?" Nick whispered opening the door to the bus.
"Is AJ in here?" Nick asked.
"No." MacKenzie said flatly.
"Look, I'm sorry about earlier..." Nick said looking into her eyes.
She sighed, "I never wanted things to go down like this..."
"MacKenzie... I can't loose you..." Nick said honestly.
"I don't want you to have to," She whispered, "But..."
"I know..." He said reading her mind.
She looked down at her palms.
"Where's Brian?" Nick asked suddenly.
"Lying down with Kirsten..."
"She's been kinda strange lately, is she ok?"
"Yeah I know, we've been wondering the same thing..."
"I didn't do a good job of changing the subject, did I?"
MacKenzie grinned, "Nick...Why did we have to get ourselves into this?"
Nick shook his head, "Do you want things between us to end?"
MacKenzie gulped and shook her head, "but we can't be together with this AJ thing."
"I know..."
"Hey guys..." AJ said walking up the steps.
"Aj..." MacKenzie said quietly.
"Listen, I caught parts of that touching little conversation, and I love you so much Mac..." He said tears forming in the corners of his eyes, "and loving is letting go..."
MacKenzie struggled not to jump up and hug him.
"What about me?" Nick managed.
"If you hurt her... I'll fucking kill you." AJ said dead serious.
MacKenzie hugged AJ close, "thanks..." she whispered in his neck.
"Just don't do the tongue-tonsil thing in front of me, I beg you guys... That's nasty." AJ smiled and did a cool little "manly" handshake thing.
"Are you ready to go? The show's in like a half an hour, we need to get back to the stage..."
"Coming..." He called. He kissed his sleeping fiancee's forehead.
"Let's go," Brian said jumping on Nick's back.
The guys walked out leaving MacKenzie floating on cloud 9. She walked to the closet to pick an outfit for the concert.
"Uh..." A groan came from Kirsten's bed.
Another groan.
"Kirsten?" She said louder moving to her bunk.
"Hospital." Kirsten winced.
"Are you okay?"
"Jacci. Brian. Hospital. " She whispered closing her eyes.
MacKenzie ran out of the bus, "Brian, Brian!" She shouted running toward him backstage.
"What? I'm about to go onstage!"
"It's Kirsten." Brian flung his headphones off and looked at MacKenzie.
"She needs to go to the hospital..."
Brian ran off stage, "Where's he going?" Nick asked.
"I don't think he'll be making the performance tonight."
Nick looked confused.
"I'll call you later." She kissed him quickly and ran to catch up with Brian.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
A Not So Happy Ending - Index
Combination Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island