Chapter Three

Micki smiled as she stared up at the ceiling. AJ had just given her the best night of her life and she still layed wrapped up in AJ's arms. She looked up at him and smiled, AJ was too perfect for her. She loved him so much. Just as she was dozing off to sleep, the phone rang, bringing Micki to full alert. She reached over AJ and picked up the phone, bringing it to her ear.

"Hello?" Micki asked.

"Micki, hey, do you know who this is?" asked a male voice that sounded painfully familiar. It was Matt.

"Yes, do you know what time it is?" Micki asked looking at the clock. It was 4:30 a.m.

"Yeah, I thought you had to get up for work now?" he asked.

"No, 5:30, why are you calling? I have no desire what so ever to talk to you," Micki said as AJ stirred in his sleep.

"So you're with AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys, huh? That makes quite the headline," Matt said bitterly.

"Yeah well he treats me 100 times better than you ever did," Micki growled.

"Who are you talking to?" AJ asked waking up.

"No one anymore," Micki said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" AJ asked.

"Matt," Micki answered, tears forming in her eyes.

"It's ok baby, Im here now," AJ said kissing her and tightning his grip around her. Micki smiled and nuzzled closer to him.

"I love you AJ," she sighed.

"I love you too," AJ said, but Micki was already sound asleep. AJ kissed her forehead and fell back asleep.

~Next Afternoon~

"Im leaving baby," AJ said coming into the bathroom where Micki was taking a shower. AJ had to go to the studio and record some stuff for his next album.

"Ok, be careful and I love you," Micki said sticking her head out of the shower.

"I love you so much," AJ said kissing her.

"Mmm, I think I do to," she said kissing him again.

AJ relunctently pulled away and smiled.

"I'll be home at around 6," AJ said giving her one last kiss and walked out of the bathroom. Micki finished taking her shower. She was still tired from last night and didnt feel like going into work. She put on a black skirt and a white shirt and her white tennis shoes. She scrunched her hair so it was curly and applied her makeup. When she was done she grabbed her bag and portfolio and locked up the house.

She got into her white Honda Civic and drove to work. When she got there, on her desk was a dozen white roses and a single red rose in the middle. Micki smiled figuring it was from AJ.

She went over to the desk and searched for a card. She finally found one and read what it said.

"I still love you and I will have you once again-Matt."

Micki ripped up the card and threw it away. She took the flowers and walked down to a bigger trash can and threw the roses away.

"Micki, why'd you do that?" her boss asked.

"Because you cant love roses if you dont love who gave them to you," Micki commented and walked off, returning to her desk.

As Micki worked deseratly hard on an article for the teen magazine about drunk driving, her mind was somewhere other than where it should've been. Matt.

She finished the article right at the end of the day and found her way to her car. She unlocked the door and was about to get in when someone called her name.

"Micki!" Micki shuddered at the sound of the voice. It was Matt.

Micki turned around and saw Matt running to her. Micki sighed and got into her car, starting it.

"Micki wait, please!" Matt called stopping at her car. Micki took a deep breath and decided that she REALLY didnt want to talk to Matt.

Micki put the car in reverse and stepped on the gas. Matt jogged after her, she put it in drive and sped off.

She looked in her rearview mirror and saw Matt standing in the middle of the road.

She wasnt going to cry about him because now she was with AJ. She loved AJ, she only wanted AJ and AJ wanted her. She turned on the radio.

"As long as you love me," sang Micki's favorite boys. Her man and his friends.

Micki pulled into the driveway and saw AJ's corvette in the driveway. Good, he was home. She got out of the car and walked up to the front of the house and let herself in.

"AJ! Im home!" she called setting her things down on the kitchen table. She heard nothing. She walked into the living room and saw nothing. So she went into their bedroom and saw AJ peacefully sleeping on their bed. She smiled as she walked over to the bed.

She peered over him. She leaned down and kissed his lips, softly.

AJ responded without even opening his eyes. Micki's kisses had become familiar. AJ wrapped his arms around Micki's waist, pulling her down on top of him. He slipped his hands up her skirt and she began to take off his shirt...

Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
