Chapter Four

Micki and AJ were in the kitchen eating dinner when the phone rang. Micki jumped up and looked at the caller id and saw it was Megan.

"Hey Meg,"Micki said.

"Hey Micki, whats up?" Megan asked, obviously eager to tell Micki something.

"Nothing, you?" Micki asked sitting back down at the table.

"Nick asked me out," she squealed.

"Cool," Micki said smiling at her friend's eagerness.

"I know! What do I wear?" she asked.

"Where are you going?" Micki asked.

"I dont know, he didnt say. What if he tries to kiss me?" Megan said suddenly worried.

"You kiss him back! Megan you're acting like this is junior high. Chill out. You'll have a great time, trust me," Micki said laughing.

"Ok, well I have to go figure out what I am going to wear. Bye," Megan said and with a click she had hung up.

Micki smiled as she turned off the phone and looked at AJ who was staring at her.

"What?" Micki asked.

"Nothing, Nick asked Megan out didnt he?" AJ predicted.

"They're going on a date. But Megan didnt tell me when, Im guessing tonight because she is worried about what she is going to wear," Micki said smiling.

AJ chuckled and began to clear the dinner table. Just as they finished cleaning the kitchen, the doorbell rang and echoed throughout the house.

Micki and AJ walked to the door together and opened it. Brian and LaDawn stood before them, both grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey!" Micki said inviting them in.

"Hey, what's up?" LaDawn asked.

"Nothing. You?" Micki asked.

"Not much. We were out so we thought we would stop by and say hello," LaDawn informed Micki.

"Oh, hey LaDawn, come here, I have to show you my new dress," Micki said dragging LaDawn into her room.

"Where?" LaDawn asked.

"I didnt get one, I just wanted to know whats up with you and Brian," Micki grinned.

"We...," LaDawn didnt have to finish. Micki knew.

"That's so good," Micki said smiling.

"Yeah, look what else," LaDawn said holding up her left ring finger. A beautiful engagement ring glistened on it.

Micki's eyes got huge as she admired the ring.

"Oh my G-D," Micki breathed touching the ring.

"He proposed last night," LaDawn said smiling.

"That is so great!" Micki said hugging her friend.

"Yeah I know. This is so great," LaDawn gushed.

"LaDawn are you ready?" Brian asked looking into the room.

"Yeah," LaDawn said jumping up. Brian and her walked to the door and Micki gave LaDawn a kiss on her cheek and AJ waved as they walked away.

"I cant believe they're engaged," Micki squealed.

"I cant believe they...," AJ laughed.

Micki elbowed AJ in the ribs and laughed at him.

"Let's go swimming,"AJ suggested.

"Sounds like we can do that...," Micki grinned walking off.

Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
