Chapter Four

I woke up the next morning, tired as hell. Even though it's the second day of school, I was glad it was Friday. I slowly got up and stumbled to my bathroom.

I took a shower and when I got out, I put on my black knee length skirt and my skin fitting red silk shirt to match. I left my hair down and against my back.

"Have a good day," my dad told me as I walked through the kitchen, grabbing a package of pop-tarts on the way out.


I left my house, threw my bag into my car and got in. I arrived at school and when I pulled into my parking space, Nick's Durango was right next to it. I smiled. When I got out, I saw him walking a little distance ahead.

"Nick!" I called.

He turned around and smiled. He waited until I caught up with him, then we began walking together.

"How are you this morning?" he asked.

"I've been better, you?"

"Im cool."

I smiled as we walked towards our homeroom.

"Marissa," Brad said stopping in front of me.

"What?" I growled.

"So, what are we doing tonight?"

"I dont know what you're doing, but Im doing something else," I smiled, sarcastically at him.

"Ouch. Now that we're a couple, we'll be spending most of our time together. I spoke to your father yesterday," he informed me.

"Number one, we are not a couple and number two, my father has no right doing what he's planning on doing. Therefore, I want nothing to with you," I said glaring at him.

Nick kept looking from me to Brad and back. He looked really confused. I took a deep breath and kept my anger in.

"Yeah, I'll give you a week," he said and walked off.

"Who was that?" Nick asked watching Brad walk away.

"No one of importance."


"I'll explain later, just not at school."


Nick and walked into homeroom together and as you can imagine, my day went horrible.

"What are you doing tonight?" Nick asked as we walked to our cars.

"Nothing, what are you doing?" I asked, hoping he'd invite me to do something with him.

"Well later on, me and some of my friends are going out, probably just to the movies or something like that. Do you want to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I smiled.

"Cool. I'll stop by your place at 7 and pick you up. Ok?" he offered.

"Yeah, that's cool," I said hitting the alarm button on my car. I took down the top, so I could just ride as a convertible. I put my things in my trunk and got in my car. I turned on the radio, my usual country station and followed Nick out of the parking lot. He told me he didnt live to far from me, but I was surprised when he turned on the street right before mine.

"Whoa," I smiled.

I drove to my house and when I arrived, an unfamiliar car was parked in front.

I walked in and called, "Im home!"

"Hey honey. Brad's here," my dad announced appearing from down the hall.

"Why's he here?" I asked.

"Marissa," my father warned.

"What?" I asked confused. I dont think I said anything wrong.

"Im going out tonight, so dont think Im doing anything with him," I told him.

"Who are you going out with?" my dad asked.


My father sighed and then Brad appeared, a devilish smile, plastered on his face. I hate him.

Chapter Three
Chapter Five`
All For You Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
