Chapter Five

"AJ! The water is freezing!" Micki shreiked as she jumped into the pool, AJ had jumped in before her.

"I can tell," he said looking at her breasts.

"AJ!" Micki shreiked splashing him.

"What?" he asked moving over to her.

"So can I," she said looking down at his swimming trunks. Micki had on her favorite black bikini, that was barely there.

AJ looked at her shocked.

"Im just joking honey," Micki laughed wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I know," AJ said kissing her lightly on the lips.

"Remember the first time you kissed me?" Micki asked smiling up at him.

"Of course I remember. How could I forget?" he asked kissing her again.

"I wont let you," Micki said kissing him.

"Good," AJ said smiling. AJ's hands were roaming up and down Micki's back as he kissed her neck.

"Let's go inside, it's getting a bit cold," AJ said pulling Micki to the steps of the pool. The two got out and went inside.

"Shower?" AJ asked grinning mischeiviously.

"Lets," Micki agreed.

~The Next Day~

"Micki, hey great article, you did great!" the editor of the magazine complimented Micki as she walked into work.

"Thanks," Micki beamed.

The editor grinned as Micki walked off to her desk.

On her desk were a dozen red roses. The first thing to come to Micki's mind this time was Matt. But when she found the card and read it, she was relieved.

"Baby, I love you... Thanks for giving me everything I've ever wanted-AJ." Micki smiled and stuck the card in her wallet and smelt the roses.

"I see Im not that original," said a male voice from behind Micki.

She swung around and was face to face with Matt.

"What are you doing here? Leave," she ordered.

"Sorry no can do... now why did you throw away those roses I got you yesterday?" Matt asked.

"Why did you dump me on our wedding day? In front of all those people?" Micki hissed.

"Im sorry I was confused, but now I know that I love you," Matt said practically begging.

"Well the feeling isnt mutual," Micki said looking him straight in the eye.

"You dont mean that," Matt declared.

"Yes, I do," she stated firmly.

"I could give you so much more than the guy," Matt said refering to AJ.

"No, you couldnt," Micki told him.

"Please, let me prove to you that I love you," Matt begged.

"You dont love me Matt, so just leave me alone. Even if you did love me, it wouldnt matter because I dont love you. I love AJ, and thats the end. Leave me alone," Micki said not even blinking or taking a single breath.

"Micki, please," Matt whined.

"I think she already told you once, now why dont leave her alone?" AJ asked appearing behind Matt.

"AJ!" Micki beamed as AJ stood next to her and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Fucking bastard!" Matt went to go after AJ, but was stopped by Micki's hand slapping him hard across the face.

"Dont you ever do that again. Leave," Micki said proud of what she had done.

Matt looked at her and then at AJ who was smiling and he walked off. Micki turned to AJ and kissed him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to see if you got my roses," AJ said.

"Thank you so much AJ! I love you!" Micki gushed wrapping her arms around AJ's neck.

"I love you too baby," AJ kissed her neck and then moved his lips to her mouth.

"Oh my god! Are you THE AJ McLean?" asked a woman in her mid-thirties as she passed the two.

"Yes ma'am," AJ answered.

"My daughter loves the Backstreet Boys, she's so excited about the up coming tour. Can I have an autograph?" she asked.

Micki looked at her stunned. What was she talking about up coming tour? AJ hadnt said anything to her about it.

"Yeah, you can have an autograph," AJ said scribbling down something on a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"Thanks, my daughter is going to freak," she bounced off and Micki looked at AJ as to get an answer.

"That's the other reason I came to see you today, to talk to you," AJ said reading her mind.

"At my work?" Micki asked, slightly angry.

"No, I want to take you out to lunch," AJ said.

"Fine," Micki agreed grabbing her bag and leaving the office telling her boss she was taking the rest of the day off.

~At the Restraunt~

Micki had be silent the whole way to the restraunt only nodding or shrugging when AJ said something. She was a little angry, a little hurt, and a little scared. She didnt want AJ to leave her behind and be surrounded by all those girls and everything. She wanted AJ all to herself. How is LaDawn taking this? She wondered. What if LaDawn didnt even know. Brian might be holding this back from her.

AJ and Micki were now sitting across from each other at a booth in the corner of the restuarant.

"Baby, Im sorry, I was coming to tell you today," AJ pleaded.

"When do you leave?" she asked.

"A month," he stated.

Micki felt the tears swell up in her eyes as they began to flood down her face, she sobbed.

AJ got up and sat next to her and hugged her.

"I dont want you to leave," Micki choked out.

"I dont want to leave either, but I have to. This is my job," AJ said trying to calm her.

"AJ please dont leave me," Micki cried.

"Dont do that to me Micki," AJ pleaded. Just then Micki got an idea.

"Im going with you," Micki declared.

"Huh?" AJ asked.

"Im going with you," Micki repeated and looked up at him. He looked at her shocked, but looked pleased at the same time.

Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
