Chapter Six

"Im sorry about Rob, Micki," Kevin said as we were standing at Carol's front door.

"It's ok. I'll be ok," I lied.

"I know I dont know you very well or anything, but if you ever need anything, you can call. Anytime," Kevin told me.

"Dont you think it is weird how we met on a plane and we are hanging out with each a day later?" I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, that is something I definitly dont do often," Kevin smiled.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Sure," he agreed.

We walked into the house. Carol was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Back so soon?" she asked looking up.

"You could say that someone ruined the night," I shrugged.

"No way! He was there?" Carol asked shocked.

I nodded and Kevin and I walked past her and to a sitting room. We both sat down on a couch and turned towards each other. I smiled, Kevin was a really nice guy.

"So, Kevin, what do you do for a living?" I asked.

Kevin kind of hesitated and then took a deep breath.

"Im a performer," he answered looking me in the eyes.

"Really? What kind?" I asked amazed.

"Ever heard of the Backstreet Boys?" he asked.

"No, sorry," I said a little embarrassed. How could I have heard of them, Rob never let me do anything.

"Its ok," Kevin laughed.

"So, a singing group?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered. He looked like he didnt want to talk about it,so I didnt ask anymore questions.

I heard a knock on Carol's front door.

"Its probably just my boyfriend," Carol called.

"No, she's not here," I heard Carol say. I froze. Was she talking about me.

"Shh," Kevin said and he walked over to the door and peeked out.

"Its Rob," Kevin said turning to me. Tears filled my eyes once again.

"No, you cant come in," Carol said in disbelief.

"Let me look!" I heard Rob shout.

Kevin and I both looked over at a window. I grabbed my purse and we rushed over to the window. Kevin opened it and popped the screen out. He lifted me up ahd helped me out of the window. He was close behind me. He shut the window and we began to go around front.

It was already dark outside and it was started to cool off a little. Kevin and I peeked around the corner of the house and saw Rob walking into the house. We both looked at Kevin's car that was parked across the street from the house.

"Ok, run to the car. NOW!"Kevin whispered.

We both took off towards his car. He hit the alarm button and it automatically unlocked the doors. Right when Kevin started up the car, Rob was running out of the house.

I felt like a fugitive. Running from someone who possessed so much power. Kevin floored it and took off down the street.

"Kevin, I am so sorry. I shouldnt bring you into this," I apologized. I felt horrible. I didnt want anything to happen to him.

"Micki, I dont want him to hurt you again," Kevin told me.

"Im sorry," I repeated.

"Stop saying that. Im going to help you. Whether you want me to or not. Im helping you," he told me.

"Thank you Kevin," I said softly.

Kevin smiled and kept driving. Suddenly there was a car behind us, I knew it was Rob.

"He's behind us," I told Kevin.

"Ok, this is what we're going to do. We're taking you to the police department," Kevin told me.

"Kevin, please. No," I begged.

"Micki, thats where we are going," he told me.

I sat in silence as Kevin sped through traffic, Rob right behind us. Kevin pulled into the police station, Rob still right behind us.

"OK, come on, and run," Kevin said.

Right when I got out of the car, Rob pulled into the space next to us, on my side. I ran to Kevin, but was caught by Rob grabbing my arm. Kevin ran over to me, helping me get away from Rob.

"Let her go! She's mine!" Rob shouted at Kevin.

"I dont think so," Kevin shook his head, pulling me towards him.

I finally started to feel the pain in my arm caused by Rob and I kneed him where it counts. Rob quickly let go of my arm and held his crouch. He fell to his knees as he moaned in pain.

"Asshole," I said and Kevin and I ran off into the station

Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
I Promise Index
Kevin Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
