Chapter Eleven

"Do you want to go Leah?" I asked.

"Of course I'll go!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks!" I said. We hung up with each other. I was getting ready to leave to go to the charity concert in St.Pete. Yesterday, when I called Leah back, I couldnt get ahold of her all day.

I brushed my hair and put on some lip gloss and grabbed my purse. I rushed out the door. I dont know how Howie and Samantha were fitting in my car, but...

When I arrived to Howie's house, I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hey, Howie said letting me in. It was a cozy little place, I liked it a lot.

"Samantha had to stay with her other uncle, so it's just me and you," Howie said.

"Ok, well, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. We walked out and to my car. Howie got in the passenger seat and of course, I took my seat in the driver's seat.

"I couldnt believe my brother when he called. He hardly wants to see Samantha, and just out of the blue he calls to see if she can go over there and Samantha wanted to go there, so she did," Howie explained.

"Oh, well at least she gets to spend some time with her uncle," I pointed out.

"Yeah," he nodded.

The whole drive to St. Pete we talked, just about stupid stuff. You know, 'Did you watch Seinfield', etc.

"We're here," I announced as I parked the car.

Howie and I got out of the car and walked hand in hand to where I was supposed to meet my manager.

"So nice of you to show up the next day," I heard him say from behind me.

"I was tired, get over it, I hissed.

"Well, you need to go get into your stage clothes and then get makeup and hair done," he ordered.

"You think?" I glared.

"Yeah, over there Marissa," he said pointing to a few tents that were being blocked off by tape and a few quite large men.

"Come on Howie," I said. We started walking towards the tents.

"Hey Marissa," one of my dancers said as she walked by.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said smiling.

"That was one of my dancers," I told Howie.

"I see," he said smiling.

"Marissa,go get changed," one of the hair stylists yelled running by us.

"Come on," I said pulling him into the tent where you were supposed to changed. There were all kinds of room dividers up for people to changed behind.

"I'll be right back," I told him.

I ran off, grabbed the pile that had my name on it and went behind one of the dividers.

I changed into a black leather triangle top with black string things on the ends and then I changed into my black leather capris. I put on black platforms that matched the outfit.

When I walked out, Howie was staring at me.

"What?" I asked looking down.

"You look really good," he breathed.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Makeup now," I said taking his hand and pulling him with me. We walked to the makeup tent and I sat in a chair.

The girl did my makeup, I cant describe that, but it looked cool.

"You better hurry, the show's starting soon," the girl told me.

I rushed to the hair tent and got my hair done, only to have a pleather bandana put in it.

"How am I supposed to dance in these shoes?" I asked my manager.

"Marissa, go put on something else then," he yelled.

"Fuck you. If this wasnt for charity and I didnt have fans out there, I would walk out, so fuck you," I told him and walked off, pissed off.

When I walked into the tent to change, all my dancers were in there.

"Everyone change," I announced.

"Thank G-D," I heard a few muttered.

When we all changed, we all had on simple clothes. I was wearing jean shorts and a yellow tank top and yellow Nike sneakers.

"Let's go guys," I ordered.

I was now ready to put on a show.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Heaven Index
Howie Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
