Chapter Nine

"Hey Tampa, this is Howie, tonight we've got a guest DJ with us, the one and only Marissa Daniels," Howie said into the microphone. I was so excited to be doing this.

"Hey Tampa what's up? This is Marissa Daniels and Im taking over tonight's show," I began.

After a few minutes of just talking, we went to a song.

"Hi Marissa," Samantha said running into the studio.

"Hey Samantha!" I exclaimed, holding my arms out for her to give me a hug. She ran up to me and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

"Hi," she blushed when we pulled away.

"How've you been?" I asked.

"Good. My friends dont believe me that I know you," she told me.

"Why not?" I asked.

"They told me I was lying," she shrugged.

"Well, we'll make an announcement on the radio ok?" I asked winking at her.

"Yea!" she said.

"Is she allowed in here while we do the show?" I asked Howie.

"As long as she doesnt cause a disruption," Howie nodded.

"Kay, you gotta promise to be good and you can stay in here with me, ok?" I asked.

"Cool!" she exclaimed, climbing up on my lap.

"Hey this is Marissa Daniels, we're going to take some calls, so if you have any requests or questions or if you just wanna be on the air, feel free to call," I said.

"Hi, you're on the air, what's your name," I said, taking the first call. Howie sat back in his seat and just smiled at me.

"Robbie," he answered.

"Hey Robbie, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, I wanted to ask a question," he told me.

"Ok, shoot."

"Are the rumors about you posing for Playboy true?" he asked.

I laughed as I felt my cheeks turning pink.

"No, those are completely false," I said smiling.

"Next call. Hi, you're on the air, what's your name?" I asked.

"Oh my G-D, I cant believe Im talking to you. I look up to you so much!" a girl exclaimed.

"Aww, thanks," I gushed.

"You are such an inspiration to me and I love you," she told me.

"Well, thank you," I said.

"When is your video for your current single coming out?" she asked.

"Um, well, we recorded last week, so any day it should be premiering," I told her.


"Ok, we're going to get a little bit of 112, we'll be back in a bit," I said, acknowledging the producers signal to hurry up.

"When are you going to say it? I have to go to bed soon," Samantha asked.

"Next, ok?" I asked.

She nodded and looked at Howie.

"Is Marissa your girlfriend?" Samantha asked him.

I felt my face turning beet red, but you shouldve seen Howie's.

"Uh, um," he studdered.

"Kinda," I answered for him.

"I want you guys to get married," she told us.

"Aww," I said smiling. I looked at Howie and smiled.

He was smiling at the two of us.

*The End Of The Night*

"Ok, last call of the night and then we're off," I said.

"Hi, you're on the air, what's your name?"


"Hey Steve, you got a question?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you date people when you're on the road?"

"Oh, well, um. It's really hard to find someone that really likes me for me, but um, I didnt date anyone when I was on the road last, but who knows about the next one," I said looking at Howie.

Finally,we were off. Samantha was sleeping in my lap. I held her in my arms as, Howie and I lazily walked out to our cars, which were parked right next to each other.

I put Samantha in the backseat, so she could continue her sleep.

"You make a really good DJ," Howie told me, he was now standing in front of me, looking down at me.

"Thanks," I shrugged.

"Can I kiss you?" Howie whispered.

"You dont have to ask," I whispered back. He moved his face down, towards mine, his lips and my lips moving closer and closer to each other. Finally, they were sealed, our mouths opened at the same time and our tongues met for the first time. It was the most meaningful kiss anyone had ever given me, and personally, I think it was a sign.

When we pulled apart we looked into each other's eyes.

"Heaven," Howie whispered.

"Heaven?" I asked.

"That's what I see, right now. In your eyes," he told me.

I leaned in and kissed him again. This guy is perfect.

Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Heaven Index
Howie Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
