Chapter Three

I stepped out of the bathroom just as a knock came at the door. I decided to wear a 3/4 length black skirt with daringly high slits and a pink tube top. Marissa kept telling me how good I look in this new wild look, I let my long blond hair fall across my back with gentle curls.

Marissa, who was always dressing seductively, had on a short black dress barely covering her rear end and coming down dangerously low on her neckline. She looked amazing, as always.

"Woah, look at these sexy women, they can't possibly be for us." AJ smiled devilishly. He then took Marissa's hand and kissed it gently. I could tell she was hook by the way he eyes twinkled and her cheeks reddened at his move.

Brian came over to where I was standing and said, "You look great."

"You too..."

We decided to go to a club. When we got there we lost AJ and Marissa in the sea of people and found a booth where we attempted to make conversation.

Brian and I found a booth so we could sit and chat.

"So, um, come here often?" He asked obviously trying to start conversation.

"Nope, first time..." I said, we sat and look into each others eyes and began to giggled.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked trying to regain a mode of normality.

"I'm a..." He hesitated. "a producer, for, uh, new upcoming bands..."

"Wow, that's cool."


"I'm interning at a law firm, until I get a degree and I hope to become a lawyer." He smiled at me.

"My turn to say wow. That's very ambitious of you."

I blushed, I hoped it was dark enough so he wouldn't notice. Then, a song I love came on, "I'll Never Break Your Heart,"

"Can we dance?" I pleaded, not only because of the song but tha meant Brian would have to hold me. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

We swayed gently to the sounds when he started singing softly under his breath.

"I know you've been hurt, but it's time to let gooo..." His voice sounded so beautiful. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he stroked my hair. And I felt him kiss the back of my head and I smiled my face buried into his shoulder.

Marissa and I finally found each other at the bar (where Marissa spends a lot of time.) "JD on the rocks," I heard her say. Her and AJ were giggling hysterically when Brian and I walked up.

"Want something?" He whispered into my ear.

"JD, dry." I answered just as softly in his ear. He ordered (and paid.) After we had all had a few rounds we decided to go home even though I never wanted my night with Brian to end. As we pulled up at my apartment Marissa and AJ were engaged in some serious tonsil-hockey and Brian and I were just talking...

"Can I call you?" I nodded and wrote my number on his hand. I kissed his cheek and got out. I walked to my door giving a wave, hoping to yank some stimulous out of Marissa considering the clock was ticking inside the cab. She finally broke apart from AJ and got out as well. She waved and got into her car to go home (which was dangerous considering she'd been drinking but...) I waved to her and went inside a light was on in my bedroom. I heard a noise.

'What is that?' I thought to myself.

"Who's there?" I asked shakily.

"Where were you tonight?" Came an angry voice. I gasped when I saw who was sitting on my bed.

Chapter Two
Chapter Four
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Backstreet Island