Chapter One

"I'll race you to the treehouse." Nick looked at Breanna mischeviously.

"Don't even try it Nicky. I am soooo much faster than you will ever be."

"Dream on Bre. Ready?"

Breanna nodded.

"Set?" Breanna could feel her adrenaline rushing.

"Go!" Breanna sprinted from Nick's front yard through the gate to the back. Nick was on her heals. She struggled to make it but finally collapsed in front of the tree.

"Ha!" She giggled out of breath.

"I can't believe you beat me!" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's just like old times, huh?" Breanna smiled.

"Yeah it is," Nick agreed.

Nick Carter and Breanna Mathews had been best friends since they were little. Nick lived in the up-scale part of Tampa, Breanna wasn't quite as fortunate.

Nick loved her outgoing personality and sense of humor.

A few weeks after Breanna turned 16, she disappeared. Nick was devastated, he didn't know what had happened.

Then, three years after she'd disappeared Nick's mom got a phone call. Breanna was coming into town and wanted to know if Nick still lived there.

Mrs. Carter informed her that he would be on a vacation in a few weeks so Breanna made the trip.

Sitting under the treehouse like they used to Breanna knew she'd come to the right place.

"It's been so long. We've got to catch up!" Nick exclaimed.

"Yes, we do."

Nick noticed there was something differnt about her. She was paler then he'd remembered, much skinner, and seemed to have lost the sparkle in her eyes.

"So...start what's been happening? Still living with your folks?" Fear flashed acrossed her face and Nick knew he'd hit a nerve.

"Yeah...I...haven't really been able to make time for college, so I am staying with them until I have a little bit more money."

"What else? Have you been acting anymore?" Breanna had been in a few of the plays that their high school had put on, he knew it was something she wanted to do.

Breanna pushed a strand of her light brown hair out of her eyes. "No..."

She st twidling her thumbs for a moment.

"How about you?"

"Well, I guess you know about my career..."

Breanna starred at him blankly.

"Or not."

Breanna smiled meakly, "Sorry."

"Well, I am, a Backstreet Boy."

Breanna still looked confused.

"A musician, I sing." Breanna smiled.

"Wow! Are you guys...famous...or what?"

Nick was amazed. "Where have you been, living under a rock?"

Breanna smiled trying to hide something.

They both sat quietly. Nick stared at her as she stared at her hands which were folded in her lap.

"Maybe you can come meet the guys sometime...How long are you going to be here?"

"Not long, my mom and dad don't really know I left so..."

"So? You're 19. You can travel alone."

Breanna didn't say anything. "When did you want to go out?"

Nick sighed, "How about tomorrow night?"


"Can I have the number of the hotel you're staying at?"

" I'll call you."

With that she got up and left the yard.

Chapter Two
Roll With It Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
