Chapter Two

"Hey, is Nick there?"

"This is him." He knew right away that it was Breanna, she sounded far away.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Um...I stopped at a payphone and decided to call you."

"Why didn't you just call from the hotel."

Breanna tried to think on her feet. She twirled the phone cord nervously, "Oh... I didn't think about it."

Nick could tell she was lying. "Are we still going out tomorrow night?"

"Well, where were you plan on going? I sort of forgot to pack dress clothes so,"

"Listen, why don't you pack your stuff and come over, I don't feel comfortable with you at a hotel."

"What does that have to do with clothes?"


Breanna sighed but agreed. She hung up. She looked around the gas station. It was dingy and disgusting, she couldn't find the guy who'd given her a ride there.


She rummaged around her bag until she pulled out a 20.

She put in a quarter in the phone, "Hello? I need a cab."

Within a half an hour she pulled up in Nick's driveway.

"Hey Shorty." He greeted her as she got of the car with only one small ragedy suitcase.

"Where's everything else?"

"That's it." She whispered.

"C'mon, I have a surprise for you."

"Okay." She followed Nick into the house and up the stairs.

"Close your eyes."

Breanna obeyed. She heard him giggle then heard him say, "Open them."

In his hands was a long baby blue gown. It was straight and shiney.

"What's this?"

"Try it on." Nick was excited.

"No, I don't think--"

"Don't think. Go try it on."

She came out of his bathroom a few minutes later.

"You look amazing."

Breanna looked into his beautiful blue eyes, "I'm glad I came back." She whispered.

"I am too."

"Where did you get this?"

"Armani Exchange,"

"A what?"

"They always send gowns and stuff for us to endorse. They sent this one for my ex to wear to an award show. She never did. It's beautiful, eh?"

Breanna was amazed. "It is."

"Listen, let me get out of the way, I'll let you shower," He smiled. He took her bag out of the room and offered, "There are some boxers and tees in that drawer, they may be big." He smiled and closed the door.

Breanna stepped into the shower, she turned it on hot and began to cry.

'Why am I here?' She asked herself.

She stared down at her wrist, there was a scab. She had tried to commit suicide a few weeks ago, but one of her friends had convinced her to calm down.

She sobbed and leaned against the shower. She couldn't keep lying to Nick after he'd been treating her so well.

Downstairs Nick waited patiently for Breanna. Her bag was only a few feet away from him. He stared at it, deciding whether or not to go through it.

He walked over and kneeled down.

There were 2 tee shirts, a pair of jeans and a pair of jean shorts. He picked them up and there were a couple things underneath.

There were two bottles of unmarked pills and notebook.

He looked at the cover.

'Stay out' was written in bold letters acrossed the front.

He turned the page. There was a picture taped inside. He recognized it as her father. Red was smeared across it, it looked like blood. 'Rot in hell' was scrawled in Breann's handwriting underneath it.

Nick was confused but continued turning the pages. A few pages later was a list. 'What I hate about myself' was what it was titled. The list was 3 pages front and back.

Nick heard the shower stop and hurriedly threw her possesions back into her bag.

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Roll With It Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
