Summary: Nick's best friend Breanna has very low self-esteem. As she plunges down the road of depression Nick tries to save the day. Will Nick be able to save Breanna or will he be too late?

Rated: R {There may be mild sexual encounters, a few abuse, drug, and alcohol scenes are included as well.)

*And of course, I do not know ANYONE affiliated with the Backstreet Boys. Not the pharmacist who once filled a perscription for Nick's Sister's best friend's mom nor anyone from their record label.*

REMEMBER!! It's Fiction Guys!! To let me know what you think e-mail at the address on the bottom of the screen. All comments will be forwarded to me!

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB FanFiction Index
Backstreet Island
