Chapter Four

Nick listened intently as Breanna struggled to get her words out.

"One night," she choked. "He, uh, came into my bedroom and." She swallowed as her eyes welled up tears.

"You don't have to continue if it's too hard." Nick wasn't sure if he wanted to hear pain.

"I'm okay." She wiped her eyes and continued.

"He came in and sat on my bed. He, he apologized for hitting me, but that I had it coming because I was bad." She looked up at the ceiling and purposely avoided Nick's eyes.

"He, he uh."

It was obvious to Nick that it was a very painful memory, so he put his hand out and slowly she put her hand in his. She stared at the ceiling and held his hand firmly.

"He put his hand on my leg. It was very strange to me. I was only twelve. And he told me that there were consequences when little girls were bad."

"I was so scared Nick. I didn't know what to do." She clentched his hand tightly.

"He took something that night." she whispered. Nick's face tensed.

"That mother fucker."

"Calm down."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Nick, we were only kids... I was ashamed and I thought that I had brought in upon myself."

"No, never. You never, never deserved that. NEVER!" He held her close and he felt himself break. He sobbed into her shoulder as if he'd been the one who was abused.

"It was like that for 2 years... then my mom said that she wanted to move out. She wanted to leave me with him,"

"Was she crazy?"

Breanna shrugged,"It was hell...She didn't want to be there anymore then I did. So she left, that's when things took a terrible turn. He decided that there were too many memories here so he packed us up and we left."

"I never understood why you didn't say goodbye."

"I'm so sorry Nick."

"I was so taken by you. You never showed an once of what was happening in your personal life. I always admired your strength."

"Don't. I'm not strong at all, Nick."

"How do you figure? You've endured so much. And look at you. You're healthy and you're here... and you're with me."

She smiled weakly. "He'll find me Nick. There's never going to be and end to this. He is infatuated with the thought of having me in his prison forever. I came here to tell you goodbye. I'd rather die than live in that hell another day."

"I have bodygaurds, they can protect you. Don't think you have no way out."

"You don't understand. I can't even close my eyes at night without thinking of the horrible things I've encountered."

"Is there more?"

Breanna nodded. "My father was the most deteriating thing in my life but there were other factors that led me to feeling the way I do now."

"I want to know. I want to know every last detail about you. I can't understand why you won't just stay here with me, I can't understand why you don't want to continue. You've got so much to give."

"I am nothing, therefore I have nothing to give."

"Bullshit. Tell me. Tell me more Breanna, I want to feel your pain. You're a part of me."

"This is very hard for me, Nick."

"I'm here..."

Breanna sighed, leaned back and closed her eyes.

"So I was in mt freshman year when we left..."

Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Roll With It Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
