Chapter Five

"We relocated, it wasn't the nicest of places either." Breanna closed her eyes as if picturing what she was saying.

"I didn't have many friends, I mean the only reason I had them here is because I was Nick Carter's friend."

"That's not true!" He protested.

"Isn't it?" She raised her eyebrow. He shook his head.

"Anyways, I didn't have the money for the trendy clothes that would've made me popular. I couldn't invite friends over because I as ashamed, of where I lived, especially who I lived with." She bit her lip and continued,

"They teased me. They called me trailer trash, dirty, skank, slut... And they didn't even know me." She wiped a tear away.

" the first time I've cried since I left."

"I'm glad you came back to me,"

"I didn't. I came back to do what I didn't do the first time..."

"Which is?"

"Say Goodbye."

"Where are you going?"

"There's nothing in this world for me Nick. I have nothing. I am nothing."

Nick was enraged. "How can you say that? HOW?! You're smart and beautiful and amazingly strong. You're an inspiration to me."

He was breathless he looked into her eyes, he searched her soul for the child she'd once been and the woman he'd always loved.

He leaned forward and kissed her lips. He drew back and her lips curved into a smile.

He leaned in again and kissed her. He felt tears stream down his face as the same happened to her. She dug her nails in his back as if she feared letting him go.

His hand roamed through her hair and on her neck, down her back sending shivers through her spine. Breanna closed her eyes to savor her pleasure, but a face appeared. It was her father.

"What are you doing here?" Nick stopped and looked up, there was noone there.


'Stop Breanna, let yourself relax. You love him.' She counseled herself.

"I love you."

Nick's face brightened, "I love you." She reached up and brought her face to his.

"I will never forget this night." she whispered pressing her lips to his.

His hands roamed across her back and under her shirt. He pulled her over shirt and was pleased with what he found. Breanna pulled his shirt off and began fumbling with the zipper on his pants.

Finally, the two were naked. Nick settled himself between her legs. "Are you okay?" (Awww...)

Breanna nodded. She wasn't a virgin, but with Nick, it felt like the first time.

Her body clentched as he entered her. When they were down (many hours later) Breanna was content.

There'd always been a missing piece of her. Lying on the floor with Nick's protective arm over her, she knew she'd found what she was searching for. She smiled and looked to the ceiling. She suddenly felt very troubled and carefully extracted herself from Nick's hold.

Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Roll With It Index
Nick Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
