Chapter Six

Breanna looked down at the sleeping Nick. "I love you." she whispered staring at his delicate features.

She bent down and kissed his cheek. He began to stir but only for a moment before returning to his peaceful slumber.

"Good-bye." She croaked, holding back the tears that were trying so hard to emerge from her eyes.

She walked up the stairs with her notebook and a knife.

When she reached the upstairs bathroom she closed the door. She hopped up on the counter, took the cap off the pen and began to write.


My sweet Nick. You are everything to me and I know right now you're hurt and angry but I need you to understand. It all haunts me Nick, when I look in the mirror, when I close my eyes, it haunts me.

She rubbed her temples before continueing.

I love you so much. I'm sorry that I have to leave. Last night was the greatest night of my life and I'll never forget it. I'll be watching you, day and night. So, for me, be strong, go out and live your life to the extreme. Be happy. I wish I could stay here and be happy with you, but I can't. And when the going gets tough Nicky, 'You've got to Roll With It.'

Breanna signed her name and folded the paper. She scrawled Nick's name on the front and then took out another piece of paper.

Mommy, She wrote on the first line

I don't know if you'll ever see this letter, but if somehow, someway this gets to you, I want you to understand a few things. It's not your fault that it's come to this point. You couldn't know the horrors that happened behind closed doors. I hope you know that I forgive you for running out when I needed you most. I'll be watching over you, even so.

She signed her name and took a deep breath. The paper dropped to the floor.

Breanna closed her eyes and began to sing softly.

She saw visions of her past with Nick flash through her mind. She saw him singing to her when they were young. She saw them running toward the treehouse. Breanna opened her eyes and picked up the knife.

"You've gotta roll with it." She sang loudly. Tears streamed down her face as she ran the blade across her neck.

Nick burst through the door.

"NOOO!!" He screamed fear clutching his heart. Blood streamed from Breanna's silken neck. Her face began to get pale. Nick dropped to his knees and pleaded again, "NO!"

Breanna reached her hand up and stroked his cheek, "I love you Ni--" and then she was gone.

Nick stared at her limp body for a mooment and then felt himself break down.

He shook her lifeless being and screamed. "GET UP! GET UP BREANNA, GET UP!"

But Breanna lie there silent and cold.

Nick screamed at the top of his luns and then collapsed into a heap of sobs on top of her.

Chapter Five
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Backstreet Island
