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Yeyeye! Que buenas noticias! Quiero incluir un enlace en mi sitio recomendando lo que has hecho [Oh, boy!, Wow, Yeah! What good news! I would like to put a link on my site, recommending what you have done]

Although he is still remembered by some, many others have been forgotten; his struggle helps us to think of them

:) I must say, you are the first person to put together the connection between my domain name [] and Ulrichs. Well, he was the first one who told me

Esta direccion a la que has escrito es del colectivo bear en España. Daremos cuenta de esta convocatoria en nuestro mailing [The address you wrote to is the Bear Collective in Spain. We will give an account of this convocation in our mailing]
--Gay Osos [Gay Bears]

Your page has stimulated me into putting more about gay history on my site

El leer acerca de activistas, sus penas y sus glorias, es muy vivificante y estimulante. Genrea el deseo a la participación, y sobre todo el refuerzo de la identidad URANA. Muchas Gracias por acercarme a dicha información, que me era totalmente desconocida, apesar de haber estado involucrado por muchos años en el activismo Urano [Reading about activists, their pains and glory, is very lively and stimulating. It motivates one to participate -- and especially to reinforce the Uranian identity. Many thanks for sending me the information, of which I was totally unaware, in spite of having been a Uranian activist of many years]

Mario sent this image titled "Urano"

Hey Paul~What a surprise! I am amazed at the ability of the dominant culture to effectively wipe out the life's work of a brilliant person if s/he disagrees with its idea of the "norm." Your own life seems to be heroic in itself. Thank you for sharing; I will pass it on!

I think recognizing Ulrichs is a great idea!

I have forwarded the information along to the 120 people on my gay community mailing lists

Until today I had never heard of him, and now feel much stronger now I do! I shall host a celebration at my home here in London on the anniversary and will be raising awareness here as much as possible

I've passed your URL around a few contacts

Yes, Karl Ulrichs' stand has been of great benefit to many!

MANY thanks. The Ulrichs article has been part of my thinking and determination -- especially the concept of "speak or be judged"

I especially liked how you tried to make the life and work of Ulrichs attractive to young people...Visuals do help...I'll be sure to pass it on

I have placed your links on our front page

As a gay activist I am embarassed to admit that I had never heard of him. I hope to correct my mistake by letting as many people as possible know about this great man

It's a good initiative
--Ronald & Tim

I'd heard of him before; some article in a local gay paper a few years back, I think
--Daniel in San Francisco

I wold like to link to your site...I am also adding a new award which will be called the Ulrichs...I will also be happy to make the suggestions for bars, i.e., the military night in our newsletter as well as on site...Let me know if there is any other way I can be of assistance in promoting this event and a wider knowledge of the great gift to our community by Karl Ulrichs

Wow! I must admit I was not aware of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs...since I spent so many years in denial...It helps to know gay people can be happy as well

I never heard of that fellow. He sure was the 1st famous out of the closet person alright

Thanks; I'll check out your Ulrichs page. Paul Russell lists Ulrichs at #8 in his book, The Gay 100

I, too, am a great fan of Ulrichs. What a guy!

I had heard of Ulrichs, but knew next to nothing...Your writing laid so much so beautifully...I sent your URL out to a bunch of friends and got at least a half-dozen enthusiastic replies overnight!

I received a copy of your page from a friend...It's so beautiful...You've got a lot of work, and time, and pride wrapped up in it and it shows

Thanks so much for your labor of love -- I thought I was an activist but this was the first I'd heard about our great-grandfather...I'll certainly be lifting a glass to his heroism

I am glad when I read something like this because it tells me I am not alone

As I was reading the story of Ulrichs' coming-out speech, I had tears rolling down my cheeks; I was not crying -- but it was a strong emotional experience

A colleague informed me that he had attended a lecture series in Germany on Gay History. One of the speakers spoke comprehensively on Ulrichs, even showing pictures. After the speech, my colleague asked the well-informed speaker where he had gotten his information on Ulrichs. "Oh," the speaker replied, "I got it all from the CELEBRATION 2000 website."

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