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Florida D.A.R.E. Officers Association, Inc.
Home Welcome to the Florida DARE Officers Association's new web page!  Sign up today for the 2003 Annual Training Seminar and Conference in Orlando, Florida at the beautiful Adams Mark Hotel at the Florida Mall

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2003 Conference

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2003 Annual Training Seminar and Conference

"A New Beginning"

     The 2003 Annual Training Seminar and Conference will take place on July 7th - 11th at the beautiful Adam's Mark Hotel in Orlando, Florida. 

The Conference will give DARE Officers the opportunity to receive the required Phase 1 (Facilitation Skills) and Phase 2 (Curriculum Orientation) Training.  These training components will be required of all DARE Officers to teach the new DARE Curriculum that will be released this fall.  Other training that will be offered includes:

Move to Contact. An exciting, hands-on training for police officers responding to active shooters in the school environment.  There will be both a basic and advanced level of training.  Participants will need soft body armor.

Bully-Proofing Your Schools, Juvenile Sex-Offenders, Suicide and Threat Assessments, Dealing with Disruptive Children, Gang and Drug Updates, Dealing with Crisis in the School Environment, Effective Fund-raising for the DARE Program.

Bring your DARE Cars and polish cloth to participate in the annual DARE Car Show.  The entry fee for the Car Show is $10.  There will also be specials provided for some Orlando attractions and special evening events such as the President's Reception with karaoke, and the Award's Banquet.

Due to the assistance of the Florida Department of Education and Attorney General Charlie Crist.  The registration cost for the Conference is $75 per person.  If 6 or more officers from the same agency register together the cost is reduced to $50 per person. Please click here for a registration form.  The Adams Mark Hotel conference rate is $95 per night.