Underwater Backstreet World

The Backstreet Crew

welcomes you to

Underwater Backstreet World

Welcome to our paradise, our fantasy - dive in, relax, and enjoy whatever you might find here! This site will constantly be updated, so please come back and see what new stuff we come up with!


Your Backstreet Crew: Araysa, Becky, Mandy & Molly!

Fresh Waves Rolling In
(Find out what and when we've updated!)


Find out the deeper meaning behind this page

Meet Us At The Beach


Araysa's funny fan fiction

Becky's AJ-licious fan fiction

Mandy's B-rokin' fan fiction

Molly's funky fan fiction


~Surfer's Paradise~

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fan.fic.writer and proud of it!

Click on the banners to find out more about the campaigns!

Hands Off!!

In case you like our ideas for the page: cool!
In case you like our fan fic: even cooler!
In case you think about "stealing" something from this site:

Being the poor ladies that we are, we have nothing better to do than chat and surf around all the BSB sites on the net, so be sure that if you steal some of our freaky, stupid, hilarious stuff, we'll find you sooner or later!
That's a promise... So hands off, baby!

Disclaimer: None of the Backstreet Crew-girls (aka US: Araysa, Becky, Mandy and Molly! *duh*) knows or is in contact with the Backstreet Boys or anyone who's affiliated with the band. But hey...we can dream - and that's exactly why we created this website and why we write our stories: for our own pleasure and fun! If we can share that with you than that's great, but don't take us too seriously. We're just a regular bunch of fans like yourself (would you be on this site if you're no fan?!).
Well, we wanna stress that we're a mature bunch of fans, and therefore our stories contain mature (aka graphic! *lol*) scenes, so if you're easily offended (or shocked??!!) or if you support WWTT ("What Would They Think") then please surf to a different site!
We're just here to KTBSPA and have some fun! Love, THE BACKSTREET CREW!

© 1999, 2000 The Backstreet Crew (a.k.a. Araysa A., Rebecca H., Amanda C., Martina P.) (All the stories, texts and other written work on our pages are copyrighted by us. Don't copy or use it without permission. Dare to ask: we don't bite and we're nice ladies! As for anything else: we hope we gave everyone credit whose stuff we used and made sure people know it's not ours. If you still find anything on our pages that belongs to you, but seems to be used as ours, then we apologize. Please contact us in that case, and we'll either take your stuff down or hopefully get your permission to further use it.)

What a great surprise - on Araysa's b-day even! We're now a "choice website," because someone out there (Thank you, Katherine!) thought we were worth it! :O)

The webmistress of "A Backstreet Party" is nice enough to make banners for other people's pages - and all she asks is for her banner to appear on their sites. So here it is! Thanks again, girl!!

*the Crew cheers* We've won our first award! OMG! Well, a special someone has our eternal love!! :o)

WOW! Can you believe this many people stopped by since November '99?!! Thank y'all - you rock!!

Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com