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Hey guys, welcome to hosted stories section of my sight. Everything you are about to read here have been created by some of the best authors on the web. I fell in love with all these stories the minute I read them, and the writters were nice enough to let me host them. Enjoy the stories and don't forget to let the authors know what you think. HAVE FUN!!!

This is a beautiful love story written by Neenie. AJ's cousin Jackie comes to live with AJ and Denise after her abusive mother kicks her out. She becomes Denise's assitant and good friends with the other Backstreet Boys in the process, especially Nick. Read and learn that the phrase "unconditional love" holds truth in any situation.

This is a visual, also written by Neenie, about a sweet, yet very mysterious girl that attempts to seduce Nick. What is her hidden secret?

This is story by my friend Esha. Kayla, the object of Nick's desire, has hidden secrets about her past that are keeping her from excepting Nick's love. Read to find out if she can put her past behind her and reach out to new love.

Nick has contracted Leukemia, and the only person he seems to be able to confide in is a beautiful cancer survivor by the name of Laura. Can she help Nick recover? Read to find out.

This is truely one of the best stories ever written, I give Esha much props. However, I can't say much more about this story cause it would give it all away. But, make sure you read "In Sickness and In Health" before you read this. Enjoy!!

Chel is having alot of trouble with her Algebra homework, so Nick desides to come over and help her. To complete the formula written on the above banner, read to find out what happens when you add Chel + Nick.

This is a great story by another great author. Jennifer goes to spend her summer with her aunt, where she ends up meeting the Backstreet Boys and finding out some information about an internet friend of her's that causes a few problems. Her birthday is near, will she get what she wants?

This is by far one of the best Nick fan fiction stories I have ever read. That's really all I can say about it cause even a brief discription would give it away completely. Just a warning though, get a box of kleenex before you start.

This is another great story, written by my friend Chantel. Chloe has a hidden past and history with what she belives to be Nick Carter. The two meet one day on the internet, and within days an immediate attraction forms between the two. Only thing that stands in the way is the fact that while Chloe is falling in love with her new friend, the people around her are doing everything they can to prove that the person she's talking with is nothing more then a 'Nick poser.' Can Chloe continue to block the sun and follow her heart? Read and find out.

This is the beautiful sequel to Block the Sun, Chantel really out did herself on this story. I can't give a description cause it would give away the first part to this series. So, ENJOY, and don't forget to write the author and let her know what you think.

This is a VERY SEXY visual written by my friend Jana. Talking to your man on the phone will never be the same after you read this. LOL!!! Have Fun!!.

Angel's are supposed to stand and guard you for life, correct? Well, in this great story Nick is the angel watching over his beloved girlfriend, who is also AJ's best friend, through the trial and difficulties that life has delt them. Read to, laugh, cry and enjoy yourselves!!

This story, a very unique and diabolical one, is about a seductive young girl that has zeroed her gaze in on Nick. He is intigued, but has no idea what he has gotten himself into until she reveals a shocking secret to him. Read and find out her story, and what she has in store for our Nicky!