(A week later)

(At a hotel in Los Angeles)

It was dark in the room. The glowing numbers of the clock read 3:28. Maddie woke with a gasp. She was shivering from cold but her body was soaked with sweat. The bedsheets were also wet, evidence that sickened Maddie's stomach. She had been feeling poorly lately but she'd dismissed it as doing too much and not eating right or getting enough sleep. She'd been very busy; the dance-intensive video for 'Uninvited' had been reshot, she had gone to the studios to record a song for a soundtrack and she had been preparing a show for the MTV Movie Awards. She was in LA to choose dancers and rehearse for the awards show. She had been out in Burbank the day before to shoot an episode of The Tonight Show.

But this wasn't the first time she'd woken up in a cold sweat. Maddie could no longer deny it. She was going to have to tell her dad and schedule an appointment with her doctor. Something was very wrong. She'd noticed earlier that a nick from a paper cut she'd gotten almost a week ago still had not healed. And she had strange bruises on her legs. Deep down, she knew what it was but refused to bring the thought into consciousness as if not thinking it would make it go away. What were the chances of someone beating it twice?

Maddie didn't sleep anymore that night. The thought weighed too heavily on her mind. She wanted to cry but couldn't--wouldn't let herself. If she cried, she'd be giving in, admitting that it might have come back. And she couldn't allow that. She grabbed the spare blanket from the closet and set up vigilance in the one chair in the room. She thought about her schedule for the next month. She was booked solid. She couldn't afford to be sick, she didn't have time for it.

She sighed. It was such a small word. Six letters, two syllables. But it had the power to change her life. She sighed again and forced herself to think the worst. What if it had come back? What would she do then?

'Keep going til I can't anymore,' she thought with grim determination. 'I beat it once, I can do it again. And if I can't, I'll go out fighting.' She finally fell into an uneasy slumber with the word on her mind-cancer.

(The next morning)

(The hotel restaurant)

A tired, scared and bleary-eyed Madison made her way from the elevators to The Restaurant. 'Only in LA,' she mused, eyes on the gold embossed sign bearing the restaurant's name. She sighed, swallowed back the ever-present tears and went to meet Wendy and Romie for breakfast.

She found them hidden away at the very back of the restaurant. Romie had his head down, inspecting the papers that were spread all over the table. Wendy was talking into her cell phone. It was a toss-up as to who she was talking with. The girl was completely boy crazy and always had at least three guys she was 'talking' to. Although, she had been kind of stuck on Carson for a while, it had fizzled out. Wendy wasn't the long distance relationship type of person. She needed someone she could see and kiss and cuddle with everyday.

Maddie walked up to the table and fell, rather than sat, into a chair. Wendy took one look at her friend's haggard face and spoke rather abruptly into her phone. "Can I call you back? Thanks." She closed the phone and turned to Maddie, placing her hand on top of Maddie's. "What's wrong?"

Romie, head still bent over his papers, said, "You getting those phone calls again? Or was it more dead roses? I swear, people these days…" his voice trailed off. He had been on a campaign to convince Maddie that the harassment she'd been getting lately was nothing more than the usual fans stalking a celebrity. He never mentioned to her the real reason they'd recently had a new addition to their entourage. Maddie thought that Jacob was there because it was standard procedure for all Jive artists to have bodyguards when, in fact, that was far from the truth. Even Wendy was conspiring to keep the secret.

Romero looked up when the silence stretched on and his heart constricted. Maddie looked as bad as he'd ever seen her. Her hair hung limp and lifeless around a pale face accented by dark circles under red and bloodshot eyes. "Mami?" his voice was questioning.

Maddie smiled, or tried to, at them and took a deep breath. "I think I need to go to the doctor."

Romero, looking a thousand times more calm than he felt, moved the agreement he'd been reading to the side and took Maddie's other hand. "Why?"

Maddie looked down at the table and then back up. "Remember when I told you I was sick when I was little?"

Wendy gasped, already knowing what Maddie was going to say next. She hadn't been around when Maddie had had her battle with acute lymphocytic leukemia but she'd been around when Maddie had celebrated her fifth cancer-free year in 1997. Her grip tightened painfully around Maddie's hand but Maddie was too distraught to notice.

"So you're sick again, is that what you're saying?" Romero asked.

Maddie swallowed thickly. She nodded, afraid to open her mouth; the pressure building up in her chest screamed for the soothing relief of tears that she refused to shed.

"So, we'll take you to the doctor and get you some antibiotics or something." Romie looked back and forth between the two girls, not understanding what the big deal was.

"Antibiotics won't do it," Maddie smiled sadly. "I had cancer."

Romero sat back in his chair, stunned. He almost forgot to breathe. He was shocked. Never had he imagined…He looked into Maddie's eyes. No longer did she seem to be the competent young woman he knew and loved. Now she was a little girl, afraid and not really knowing why. He would give anything to get that haunted look out of her eyes. "I'll schedule you an appointment for today, k?"

"But what about auditions?"

"Don't you worry bout that. I'll have you home by lunchtime."

Maddie smiled again, a sad imitation of the radiance of her real smile and the sight made Romie want to cry.

Chpt 21
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