(Five days later)

(New York City, Four Seasons Hotel)

Tired and exasperated, the group stood silently in the elevator carrying them up to their forty-fifth floor rooms. Thanks to two flight delays and a freak thunderstorm that caused an unexpected layover, they'd arrived fourteen hours later than planned.

Chris tightened his hold on Heather's waist and looked around at his friends. Joey was leaning against glass wall of the elevator, Janine pulled back to him, his arms wrapped securely around her waist. JC and Jen looked as if each were holding the other up. Chris smiled when he saw Lonnie. The 6'7" man was dead on his feet. He looked as if he was sleeping standing up. The only one who looked halfway alert was Wes and that's only because he had been part of the team that flew in the day before to make sure that proper security precautions were taken. Justin, Lance, Todd, Mike and Dre had taken different cars from the airport. Wes was a little worried; because of the high-rise jungle surrounding them, their walkie-talkies didn't function as well so he'd lost contact with the other cars. And to top it all off, there'd been a brief power surge just as they'd entered the five-star hotel and the system was down so the clerk had been unable to tell them if the others had checked in or not.

Chris was glad Justin had gotten into one of the other cars. They'd had three all together to convoy their group from the airport to the hotel and Chris was thankful that Justin didn't get into his. He loved the kid, he really did, he just couldn't take it anymore. Justin had wanted to spend the day with Maddie so badly and had been very vocal about his disappointment. Very vocal. Very. Chris felt bad for him and all, but there was only so much he could take. If he heard Maddie's name one more time, he was going to scream.

So, of course, she was the first person he saw when he stepped off the elevator. Laughingly, she ran up to Wes. "You're Wes, right?"

Wes flashed a 'what-did-I-do-to-deserve-this' look at Lonnie and nodded.

"Wes, you like me, don't you?"

It was on the tip of his tongue to make a smart-assed remark about Justin liking her more, but he refrained. He simply nodded again.

"And you would hate to see anything happen to me, right?" Maddie continued in a wheedling tone, batting her eyes at him as she clutched his arm to her chest.

Jen, though highly amused by the charade being played out before them, was tired and just wanted to go to bed. "Maddie, what are you ta-"

"Madison Kaye Morse, I'm gonna kill you!"

The bellow of rage drew their attention down the hall. The door to a room halfway down was cracked open, a fact that had previously escaped their attention.

Madison squealed and ducked under Wes' arm to hide behind him.

A girl with dark hair and dark eyes that flashed with indignation stalked out of the room. Hey eyes zeroed in on Maddie peeking out from behind Wes. The look on her face was so fierce, you almost expected to see laser beams shoot out of her eyes. She slowly advanced toward the group.

"C'mon now, Kris," Maddie entreated, "it's not like I said anything he didn't already know."

As Kristina reached them, Maddie grabbed Wes' shoulders and pulled him towards her as she backed away, the three of them making an awkward, shuffling circle.

"Well, if he didn't know before, he definitely knows now, thanks to you and your big mouth."

"Hey, this big mouth now pays your bills, thank you very much."

"Well, I guess I'll have to find another way to pay the bills cause that mouth won't do me much good when it's attached to a dead body."

With that Kristina lunged. Shrieking with laughter, Maddie took off down the hall. Kristina gave chase and soon the two girls were out of sight.

"They have entirely too much energy," JC said tiredly.

"Yeah really," Janine agreed as they all turned to find their rooms.

"Wasn't that Lance's girl?" Jen asked as they walked down the hall.

"Huh?" JC looked at her dumbly.

"The one Lance hooked up with at Maddie and Wendy's party."

Heather nodded. "Oh. Yeah. Kristina. She looks a lot different when she's not drunk."

Fifteen minutes later, Chris and Heather were reclining on the king-sized bed in their suite. Chris was staring at the ceiling, hands tucked underneath his head, shaking his leg back and forth, rocking the bed. Heather was snuggled up to him, attempting to get some of the sleep she'd missed out on in the last few days. She'd been busy getting her thesis ready for review. It wasn't the actual due date, it was just a chance for the board to look over her work to see if she was doing OK or was way off base.


No reply.


Still nothing.

"Christopher Alan!"

"What? What's the matter?" Chris pulled his arms down to wrap them around his girlfriend.

"Could you please not do that?" Heather mumbled into his chest.

"Do what?"

"Shake the bed like that."

"Was I doing that? Sorry." He kissed her collarbone and got up from the bed. "I'm just antsy right now. Been sitting down so long, I bet my butt looks like a pancake."

He walked to the cheval mirror and turned to inspect his posterior in the reflecting glass.

As he was posturing for Heather, the door connecting their suite to the one next to it opened. Justin peeked in.

"Oh great. Got y'all on one side and JC and Jen on the other. Imma tell y'all like I told them, please try to keep the moaning down to a minimum and if the headboard starts banging, take it to the floor."

"You're so funny. It's astounding how funny he is, isn't it, Chris?" Heather asked sarcastically as she got up and walked over to her suitcases.

"Taking a shower, honey?"

"Yeah." Heather flashed Chris a quick smile then continued to rifle through her luggage.

"Need any help?" Chris asked suggestively, wriggling his eyebrows at her.

"I think I got it, babe." Clutching her clothes to her chest with one hand, she walked over and swatted Chris on the ass with her free hand. "Play nice with Justin, k?"

"Yes, mommy," Chris said in an infantile voice.

"OK, you do that a little too well," Heather smirked at him then closed the bathroom door.

Chris turned away to find Justin smiling at him. "What?"

"Y'all are cute together."

"I know, we are, huh?" Chris said immodestly with a grin. He ran and flopped down on the bed. "Hey, I saw your girl earlier."

"You saw Maddie?"

Chris shook his head. "You got it bad, man."

"What?" Justin asked defensively.

"Man, I coulda been talking about anyone. Finn, Britney, Kelly, anybody and you automatically assume it's the Madster. You, my friend, are a walking time bomb. You're gonna see her and just, like, explode, ripping her clothes, throwing her to the floor, scarring the poor girl for life and she'll have to go live in a monastery for the rest of her life and pray to the Buddhist gods to redee-"

Justin had to interrupt before Chris really got into it. "But it was Maddie you saw, right?"

"Huh? Yeah."


"When we were coming to the room."

"So she's in this hotel?"

"Dude, she's on this floor. I think."

"No shitting?" Justin walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He peered at the instructions on the phone before picking it up and dialing a number.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the front desk."


"To get her room number."

"They're not gonna tell you that."

"Well, the least I could do is try."

"I'm telling you, they're not gonna tell ya." Chris sat at the edge of the bed and picked up the remote control to the TV. "You wanna watch a movie?" he called over his shoulder.

Justin ignored him. A moment later, he spoke into the phone. "Yes, this is Justin Timberlake from room 4506 and I was wondering if you could tell me Madison Morse's room number."

There was a pause as he listened. "Yes, I realize I'm not in room 4506, I'm in room 4505, this is Chris Kirkpatrick's room."

Another pause.

"If I wasn't really him, how could I be calling from here?…Are you kidding me? Don't you hang-" he pulled the phone away from his ear and frowned at it, "-up on me."

Chris looked back at his friend, a silent, smug I-told-you-so-look on his face. "What'd he say?"

"It was a she and she was all helpful at first, 'Hi, I'm Jennifer, what can I do to make your stay at the Four Seasons more pleasurable?' And then she turned on me."

Chris laughed and repeated his question. "That's probably the same one who was down there earlier. She was cute. Looked kinda like Faith Hill. What'd she say?"

"She gave me some shit about how she couldn't be sure I was who I said I was and that guest information was confidential and if I really was who I said I was, I should be grateful for that."

Chris laughed again. "Now you know what our fans feel like!"

Frowning, Justin threw a pillow at him.

(The next day)

(The foyer of the Metropolitan Opera House)

* Note: I've never been to the Met, I have no idea what it looks like, this is all my imagination. *

"Wow," Maddie craned her neck to look at the domed arches of the ceiling. "I cannot believe this place."

"I know, huh?" Kendra threw her arm over Maddie's shoulder. "We're moving up in the world."

The two girls, along with Kristina, Vontrésa, and Wendy were on their way to rehearse for the live telecast the next night.

"OK, you guys wait here and I'll see where we're supposed to be, OK?" Romero gave them all a stern, 'you-better-behave-yourselves' look and left in search of someone in charge.

The girls walked over to an open doorway and saw an elaborately decorated lounge. Gold and crystal shone everywhere. The place reeked of high society. The looked at each other, exchanged 'we're not in Texas anymore' looks and made their way over to one of the groups of sofas. Maddie dropped her dance bag and sat. Kendra whistled between her teeth at the opulence of the place and Kristina ran an appreciative hand over the richly upholstered couch.

"Man, I'm telling you, I am not responsible for what I do when I see JC Chasez," Vontrésa Johnson, the last to join Maddie's group of background dancers announced. Vontrésa was the tallest of them at five-eight. Her dark hair and caramel colored skin made her a perfect addition to the group.

"He has a girlfriend," Kendra reminded her.

"And that concerns me how? Just gimme one night with him...hell, I could be done in thirty minutes."

They all laughed at her candor. Maddie and Wendy exchanged glances. Von had changed a lot in the two years since high school. Before, she had been rather reserved, only cutting loose and letting her true personality show when she was around close friends. Yet here she was, acting a fool for the whole world to see.

"Damn, now you got that song in my head," Wendy grumbled.

"What song?" Kendra wanted to know.

"Give me just one night, una noche, a moment to be by side. Give me just one night, una noche, I'll give you the time of your life," Maddie sang.


"It's a new song by 98 Degrees. I was talking to Jessica and she played it for us, it's really good."

"Yeah, I like it…I like it a lot," Wendy imitated Jim Carrey's character from Dumb and Dumber.

Kendra changed the subject. "So did you ever talk to Justin?" she asked Maddie.

Maddie had told them of Justin's promise to call her the day before. Ironically, they were more upset at his silence than she was. "No, but I got a new number, remember? Besides, they didn't get in til late, Kris and I saw them coming up to their rooms at like 11:45 last night."

"Oh yeah, I still need to get that from you," Von reminded her.

"What, her cell number? Why?" Kristina grinned. "We're only going to be with her for, like, every other second from now on!"

"Yeah really."

A figure passing by the doorway caught Maddie's eye. It was her bodyguard, Jacob 'The Rock' Harris. He was a burly man, about six feet tall. His dark hair, eyes and complexion made it seem as if he would have been better suited to be guarding some Mafia don rather than a singer still in her teens. It had creeped her out at first to have the big man standing sentry over her all the time, but he had kind eyes and a sweet smile and disposition that put her at ease.

Maddie wasn't paying the least bit attention as Kristina related Maddie's impromptu and very informative phone call to one James Lance Bass so she was surprised when Vontrésa called her name.

"Have you met any of these other dancers?"

"No, I was already on my way back to Texas when they had the audition."

Kristy, Kendra, Vontrésa and Wendy were Maddie's back up dancers for the tour. But this was the first majorly publicized performance of her career and Jive had wanted some extra ammo so they'd brought in nine extra dancers, two girls and seven guys, strictly for this performance. It was nerve-wracking because they'd only have one or two rehearsals all together as a unit before show time.

"I just hope the guys are cute," Kristina said with a smile.

Kendra was beside herself: "This from the girl who has Lance fucking Bass on speed dial!"

The two girls smiled at each other.

Romero bustled in holding a sheaf of papers in one hand. "OK, listen, this is how it goes. D'Angelo is rehearsing now, he's almost done, then *NSYNC, then you guys. We were supposed to rehearse now, but there was a problem with the times on the itineraries for the other dancers so they missed their flight but they'll be here by one. Now, I need you all to sign these real quick." He handed each girl a paper.

Maddie quickly scanned it, grabbed a pen from Romero and signed her name at the bottom.

Vontrésa rattled her copy in exasperation. "Ugh, is this shit even in English?" She stared at the piece of paper as if it was going to jump up and bite her.

"I think mine's in Swahili," Wendy offered.

"When you get past all the legal jargon, it just says that there will be cameras all around and that they have the right to use anything they shoot and they're not responsible if you get hurt or have any accidents while you're here," Maddie summed it up for them.

"Who's not responsible?" Kendra asked, wanting a clear picture of what she was agreeing to.



"So, now what?" Wendy asked as she passed her signed sheet to Romero.

He replied, "You're free until…let's say 12:30. You can sight see, go back to the hotel and sleep, or stay here and watch rehearsals, so long as you're back here by 12:30. Each act gets an hour this morning and I think an hour and a half or two hours for lighting tonight."

"Who's up now?" Wendy asked.


Von picked up on her line of thinking. "And *NSYNC is next?"


Maddie reached for her bag as she stood up. "How do we get to the auditorium?"

Unfortunately, on the way to the auditorium, Maddie had gotten caught in the trap of the 'impromptu' MTV interview. Impromptu it was anything but. John Norris had snared Maddie half-an-hour earlier and they still had yet to shoot anything. They had wanted Madison to go through all the hassle of getting her hair and makeup done but Maddie had refused, saying she was gonna get all nasty and sweaty in a little bit, she didn't want make-up caked on her face for that. Besides, she didn't see anything wrong with her sloppy ponytail, dance t-shirt, black dance pants and legwarmers.

"OK, are we ready yet?" Even John was getting antsy to get this over with. He flashed the girls an apologetic smile. It wasn't his fault they were having technical difficulties.

"Give us, like, two more minutes," a guy in a green t-shirt that read 'Hanson sucks' in yellow print told them absentmindedly.

"Sorry bout this," John told them nervously. It was almost as if he was afraid Maddie was gonna go all diva on him.

"'S ok, It's not your fault," Wendy responded for them all.

"Yeah, it's ok cause *NSYNC's not on yet. But if they were…' Vontrésa shook her finger at him. From where they were standing, they could hear the music pouring out of the auditorium and D'Angelo was still on stage.

"Oh, so we got more *NSYNC fans here, huh?" John smiled, feeling more comfortable now.

"Is there anyone left on the planet who's NOT a fan?" Kendra responded.

John thought for a moment. "Eminem."

"Trent Reznor," Maddie added.

"The Backstreet Boys," Kristina joked.

"Yeah, well, all them are losers so they don't count," Von said loudly to be heard over the laughter at Kris's comment.

"OK, we're ready."


Two minutes later, John and Maddie stood before the camera waiting for their cue.

"Hi, I'm John Norris and I'm here with Madison Morse who is waiting to rehearse for tomorrow night's live telecast from here at the Metropolitan Opera House." John said into the camera. He turned to Maddie to begin his questions. "Now, Maddie, you've had an explosive first year so far, do you think it could get any better than this?"

"You know what, I really don't. This has been insanity. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that people actually spent money for my CD."

"Now some nay-sayers have been saying that the success of your CD is due in part to the rising interest in the relationship between you and Justin Timberlake."

"Oh, I agree."

John was visibly surprised. "You do?"

"Yeah. Well, I made it to number one on my own, the CD was out before all this Justin stuff started but I do know that after that TRL, the week after that, my CD skipped from number eight to number five. I know that all these girls were like, 'Oh but no, who the hell is this bitch?'" Maddie laughed then covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my God, I just cursed, I'm sorry."

John laughed, too, at her sweetness, "It's OK, I think we've heard worse."

"See?" Maddie cringed playfully. "This is why I'm not a good role model."

"I think you're doing just fine. I've heard that you're debuting a new song here tomorrow night, is that correct?"

"Yeah, but it's a secret, can't tell you or I'd have to kill you." Madison winked into the camera.

"OK, well, we'll let you get back to rehearsing, thanks for stopping by."

"No prob. Thanks for wanting to interview me."

John turned back to the camera to finish his spiel while Maddie walked back over to her friends. She grabbed her dance bag and they began to make their way past all the camera equipment. Maddie turned to call back to John, "Thanks for not grilling me about the Justin thing."

"No prob. You can catch this on TRL later today."

"What we just did?"


"Cool, thanks." With a wave, she went to join her friends.

Three minutes later, the five girls were sitting front row center, enjoying an unobstructed view of the stage. It was an empty stage. D'Angelo had finished his set. They'd walked past him on their way to their seats. He was very sweaty and looking very good in that sweat. All five of them had turned their heads as he passed them.

Kendra turned to ask Von a question, then paused as a group of women began to walk down the center aisle towards them.

Maddie turned as well when the ladies began to laugh. She recognized Jen and Heather and waved them over. She stood up to greet the trio as they drew nearer.

"Hey y'all," Jen drawled then started in surprise when Maddie reached out to hug her.

"There she goes," Wendy muttered. Maddie tended to be very physical, touching, hugging, kissing. It annoyed Wendy to no end that Maddie always insisted on getting a hug and a kiss on the cheek from her if they were separated for even a day. But it was also very endearing and Wendy only pretended to grudgingly put up with it.

"Oh, you can just kiss it," Maddie admonished over her shoulder as she embraced Heather. She turned to the other woman. "I don't think we've met."

The brunette was even shorter than Jen. She had the kind of curves that skinny girls like Maddie only wished they had. "I'm Janine Delage."

"Joey's gal?" Kristina asked.

Janine beamed and nodded her head.

"Yeah, he only talked my ear off about you," Kristina chuckled.

Impossibly, Janine's smile got wider. "Yup, I have him trained well."

"You're Kris, right?" Heather sat in the seat next to Wendy and leaned forward so she could see everyone.

"Kristina, yeah."

Jen peered at her through narrowed eyes. "You know, you look a lot different now…I don't get it, Heath, help me out."

"Hmmm." Heather leaned in close to peer at her. "I think I know what it is."

Jen thrust her chin out at Heather. "Sup?"

"There's no Lance attached to her face."

"Oh yeah."

Kristina ducked her head, cheeks flaming. Before she could respond, all hell broke loose as all five members of *NSYNC began sound checking into their mics all at once. Maddie looked to the stage and saw that a small group was congregated stage left. The stage manager, identified by the yellow t-shirt he had on that said 'STAGE MANAGER' in bright blue letters, gave instructions. The set wasn't up yet, this was just going to be a run though for the guys to get staging and placement and spacing and the rest of the more mundane elements that go with putting on a show.

Maddie's eyes searched the group until she found who she was looking for.

He was standing with his feet apart, hands on his hips, listening intently. His feet were encased in a pair of blue and white Adidas cross trainers. The cargo khakis he wore hung loose on his thin frame. His navy blue t-shirt did little to encompass the width of his shoulders or the musculature of his abdomen. Maddie sighed as she watched him worry his bottom lip with his teeth as he listened. His hair…

'Wow.' Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw it. She'd heard about the cornrows but this was her first time to see them. It was…different. She looked closer, examining his hair as it framed his face and nodded. She liked it. All of a sudden, her hands were itching to run through it.

"Damn, we need a bucket to catch all this drool," Heather muttered.

"Shut up, bitch, you know you drooling, too," Jen shot over her shoulder as her eyes devoured her boyfriend. JC was jumping around, making sure his earpieces were snug in his ears.

"Know what?" Wendy joined in. "Drool ain't the only thing you'll need a bucket for."

"Ew, thanks for the visual there, Wendy Lou," Maddie scolded.

"No prob Bob!"

"Dude, you sound like Chris," Heather laughed.



"Y'all, shh!" The girls hadn't taken their eyes off the action on the stage as they bantered but Von was getting tired of listening to them. She wanted to hear JC. And she was also slightly pissed to find that Jen was someone she'd probably want to kick it with. The stage manager was talking again.

"Now, I know you guys just learned this yesterday, but you'll have to perform this tomorrow so you all need to really concentrate on what you're doing."

"No shit, Sherlock," Chris muttered under his breath as he moved to his beginning position. "Just be prepared to start the music over about five thousand times cause I know I'm gonna mess up."

"Man, don't sweat it, it's chill," Justin walked up to stand in front of him. The other got into position around them, forming a V with Justin as the point.

"It's chill? It's chill? Damn, I swear, you get more and more ghetto everyday."

"Bite me."

"Don't wanna, tell Maddie to."


Chris smirked at him. "Turn around or you're gonna miss the beginning."

Chpt 24
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