Forty-five minutes later, the eight women who sat in the audience were just as entranced with the five men on stage as they'd been when the rehearsal started. There had been a lot of memory mistakes in the beginning. Then each guy in turn had stood to the side to watch the others perform the song and dance and then offered critiques on things that were being done differently. Joey told JC that he was falling the wrong way at the end. Chris pointed out that Joey was stepping with the wrong foot in the beginning. Justin saw that Lance was doing different arms during the chorus. They were like a well-oiled machine. They were a self-contained unit; they knew what they needed to do and didn't have to have anyone prodding them on. The drive for excellence was deep within all five of them.

For Jen, Heather and Janine, this was nothing new. They had seen the guys practice many times before, had seen the true grit behind the phenomenon that was *NSYNC and they were still fascinated by it.

For Maddie, who was still trying to find her niche in this topsy-turvy business, it was very informative, though she wouldn't be aware of the lesson she was learning until much later. At the moment, she was too caught up in the magic; she was enchanted. She felt as if Justin had cast a spell on her: everything he did seemed to be…not perfect, but…as close to it as you could possibly get. The way he moved, so full of grace for a man she knew had no formal dance training. So smooth with such passion. No movement was short-changed but was given as much strength and power as the next. To Maddie, there was nothing sexier than a man who could dance, a man who had total control over his body to produce the fine movements and actions that combined to become the dance. But it was his facial expressions that were killing her. She knew it was intentional the way his eyes kept straying to hers, the way he kept licking his lips ever-so-slowly, drawing his tongue against his mouth. It was ironic, it was trite, it was downright corny, but she really did feel as if Justin was singing every word to her.

He was. He was glad the house lights had been kept up. He'd spotted her at the beginning of practice, right after Chris's comment. He knew the other girls were there but he didn't take any note of them. Maddie's gaze was on him and that's all he knew. He liked the feel of her eyes on him. And it was a feeling. He felt it as surely as he felt the sweat running down the small of his back. He was surprised he hadn't messed up. He was jumpy, nervous, anxious knowing that in just a little bit, as soon as rehearsals were over, he'd be able to talk to her, hold her…kiss her. That last thought caused his mind to blank as he remembered the inferno their last kiss had created inside him. Thankfully, his body was so accustomed to the dance at this point, it could perform it flawlessly even when his mind was miles away. He forced himself to concentrate on what he was doing.


Madison and the rest of the ladies watched as they ran through the show one last time. It was damned near flawless. When it was over, they gave the guys a standing ovation. They made a lot of noise, considering there were only eight of them. They guys milked it for all it was worth, bowing and hamming it up to egg the girls on. They kept it up until the stage manager brought the lighting guy to talk to them about the effects he wanted to use during their show.

Maddie sat back in her seat. She was happy for them. They were going to rock. MTV had been heavily advertising the fact that this was *NSYNC's first televised performance of It's Gonna Be Me, not realizing or not caring how much pressure they were putting on them to have an awesome show.

"Madison Morse?"

Maddie turned her head to see a statuesque blonde woman in a lime green power suit standing at the end of the row.


"Jen." The woman said the name flatly as if it left a bad taste in her mouth. "I figured you'd be here."

"What are you doing here?" Jen countered.

"I'm working." Her tone implied that Jen should be like-wise employed.

Jen looked to Heather. "What the hell?"

"Madison, may I speak with you for a moment, please?"

Maddie saw the animosity between the two women and wondered about it. Even though she hadn't known Jen for that long and didn't really know her that well, she still felt loyal to her and anyone who was on Jen's bad side was on her bad side. So she wasn't especially interested in hearing whatever this Kristy-person had to say. She shot Jen an inquisitive look as she got up to follow Kristy. Jen shrugged her shoulders, rolled her eyes and pointedly turned away. Maddie heard her mumbling to herself.

"I apologize for that, Jennifer and I have a history. My name is Kristina Murray and I work for Dean Waters."

Maddie blinked at her.

"Mr. Waters owns the firm that Jive Records uses for advertising and some public relations work."

Maddie continued to silently regard the woman.

Kristy realized that her enmity towards Jen might make for bad relations with Madison. "OK, so, Jive has come up with some concepts to promote your new tour. I've already spoken with your manager and he told me to ask you-"

"Tour?" Maddie broke her silence.

"Yes, I know you haven't made a definite decision about who to tour with and when and that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Nothing has to be decided today, we just wanted to pitch this to you guys, give y'all a chance to think about it. "


"Yes, this involves both you and *NSYNC."

"Mmhmm." Maddie pursed her lips as she thought. "So basically you want me to tour with *NSYNC?"

"You're touring with us?" Maddie jumped at the unexpected sound of Joey's voice behind her. She'd been so caught up in the drama of Kristy's arrival and announcement had caused that she hadn't noticed when they left the stage. "That would so be the bomb!"

"Right on," Chris seconded. "But I thought you didn't wanna tour with us."

"It's not me, it's her."

"Kristy?" Chris' voice rose about two octaves in his shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Wait, how do y'all know her?" Maddie demanded.

"This is JC's ex-girlfriend."

"Ah. So the plot thickens."


"I had a…run in with Jen."

"Yeah, she was pretty pissed at you for a while, the way you just left one day."

"She was pissed off at me? SHE was pissed at ME? She stole MY boyfriend and she had the nerve to be pissed?" Kristy's face grew more and more red with each word she spoke.

"Whoa, calm down. The way I remember it, you and JC were long broken up before they hooked up."

"Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you. Can you pry JC away from there long enough for me to do what I came here to do?"

"Where is the old boy?" Chris turned to look over his shoulder.

JC was holding Jen in his arms, smiling down at her. The expression on his face was tender, poignant. It was a look of love. He leaned down and pressed a slow, sweet kiss to her lips. Chris smiled as he turned back to Kristy. He was an easy-going guy but she'd pissed him off. "That's gotta hurt."

Kristy glared at him through narrowed eyes, turned and marched away.

"What the hell was that all about?"

"I have no idea, she was saying something about ideas they had for us touring." As she talked, Madison's eyes roamed the room. She spotted Lance sitting next to Kristina. She smiled at her friend's obvious happiness; Lance's hand was on her knee. Kendra kept sneaking glances at them, moreso at Lance than Kris. Vontrésa openly studied JC. Jen watched Von watching him. It was obvious that Von was finding the reality to be as good as the dream. Heather was talking on her cell phone and absently tracing a pattern on her denim-clad knees with her fingertips. Wendy was splayed out on the floor, writing in a tablet that Maddie knew was her journal.

"Looking for Justin?"

At Maddie's nod, Joey continued, "He had to go talk to our wardrobe mistress, something was off with his costume. But anyway, I thought you didn't want to tour with us."

"I don't." Maddie plopped down into the seat she had vacated earlier. "Y'all would drive me to insanity in less than twenty-four hours."

"Yup. We've done it before," Chris grinned then leaned down to greet Heather with a kiss.

Maddie slouched down and closed her eyes. She relaxed as the conversation and laughter flowed around her. Chris was telling them about a story he'd found about them on the Internet and how scary it was how close the story came to the truth about certain things.

"Hey." She heard Wendy's voice in the seat next to her but didn't open her eyes. "Have you heard from Romero?"


"Aren't we up next?"


"And we're still waiting for those other dancers?"


"And you're not the least bit worried that they're not here yet?"


"Maddie." Wendy's voice head that lilt to it that let Maddie know the she was dangerously close to the breaking point. With her eyes still closed, she instructed, "My cell is in the front pocket of my bag, Romero is programmed, he's number seven."

She felt Wendy get up to go make the call. It was relatively quiet in the auditorium. Maddie sighed, knowing that this was just the calm before the storm.

A few minutes later, the air stirred as someone sat in the seat next to her.

"What'd he say?"

"What'd who say?"

Maddie's eyes flew open and she sat straight up in her seat. "Justin."

"That's my name, don't wear it out," he smiled down at her.

She smiled back. "Hi."


The silence stretched as the continued to regard each other.

"I like your hair."

"I like yours, too. You got it straightened?"

"Yeah." Her hand went up to smooth her hastily thrown together hair, surprised that he'd noticed such a mundane thing. Earlier, she hadn't cared what she'd looked like. Now she wished she'd taken the time to curl her hair and put on some make-up. "Y'all looked good up there."

"Thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

'I refuse to read more into that than there is,' Maddie chanted to herself. Then she looked back at him. 'Who am I kidding? Why is this so awkward? We're already established that we're attracted to each other, that's the hard part. So why is this so weird?'

"Hey, what are you guys doing tonight?" Kendra asked. Maddie didn't like the glance she'd cast her way.

"We got stuff til about eight and then we're free," Lance supplied.

"Yeah, but we can't go anywhere," Chris added bitterly, "we're on house arrest."

"Don't you mean hotel arrest?" Joey kidded.

"Don't pout, it's your own damned fault," Heather scolded. "You knew better than to take Justin to that bar."

"We were bored!" Chris said as if that were the answer to everything.

"The reason I was asking is cause Maddie taped Celebrity Diary a few weeks ago and it airs tonight at ten."

"Oh no, just kill me now," Maddie whined. "Ken-Doll, why are you doing this to me?"

"Y'all are staying at the Four Seasons, right?" Von asked, trying her damnedest not to stare at JC, considering that he had a gal and all and that she actually liked Jen, but she was not having a good time of it.

"Yeah, forty-fifth floor," Justin answered. His eyes were on Maddie. 'She's so cute when she's embarrassed.' He shifted so that his elbow rested on the armrest next to Maddie's.

Instantly, her body went on red alert. It was if a colony of fire ants were doing parade drills up and down her arm. She knew without looking that the hairs on arms were standing up.

Justin was feeling pretty much the same way. He'd debated that move silently in his mind since he'd sat down. 'It shouldn't be this hard, ' he'd thought. 'We've already kissed. Hell, I've got the imprint of her body on mine permanently seared into my memory.' And then, when he wasn't thinking about anything at all, his arm made the decision for him. He felt energized, despite the grueling practice he'd just gone through.

"OK, cool, we meet in Maddie's room at nine-thirty," Kristina stated, her hand in Lance's.

Justin smiled. 'Yes.'

(Later that night, 9:05 PM)

(Four Seasons Hotel, Room 4510)

Maddie hummed softly to herself as she ran her fingers under the water flowing from the tap. She adjusted the temperature, flipped the switch that re-routed the water to the showerhead and adjusted the curtain as she stepped back. She continued to hum her nameless tune as she shed her clothing. Gathering her shampoo, conditioner and soap, she stepped under the gentle spray. As she washed herself, she thought back to the events of the day.


“Ouch!” What the hell?” Maddie jerked as she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head. Her hair fell around her face in a silken curtain. She reached up to feel what she already knew. “Dammit, my hair thing broke.”

“I have an extra,” Kristina was digging around in her bag even as she spoke.

Justin stared. “You never wear you hair down, I’ve never seen it down before.” He raised his hand to run his fingers through the soft strands.

“Damn, your shit is thick, girl,” Jen commented.

“I know,” Maddie said thickly, barely able to talk. The insistent pressure of Justin’s fingers tangling in her hair created a sweet warmth within her. She loved it when guys played in her hair but this was different. It was more…more…she didn’t know what but she felt it all the way down to her toes.

Heather sent Jen and Janine a knowing glance. “Puddle much?”

“Yeah really,” Jen snorted.

Janine ran a hand over the rich red fabric of the seat beneath her. “Have these been reupholstered lately?”

“What?” The guys looked on in confusion as all the girls except Maddie laughed. She turned bright pink.

“Oh man,” Joey moaned. “I think I get it. I don’t want to but I get it.”

Seeing Maddie’s discomfort, Heather changed the subject. “That’s the one thing I hate about my hair cut. It’s so short Justin can’t braid it anymore.” She ran her hand over her feathered cut.

Wendy grinned. “Aw hell, you shouldn’ta told Maddie that. She’ll have him—“

“Why is she back?” Janine had paused in her mini make out session with Joey to move her purse from where it had been digging into her hip.

“Can y’all chill on the PDL?” Chris asked, disgust in his tone.

Von turned to him. “PDL?”

“Public displays of lust,” he answered then turned to see what everyone else was looking at.

Kristy was carefully making her way down the aisle, a manila folder in her hand.

All eyes turned to Jen.

“What? I’m cool, I’m just gonna ignore the bitch.”

“Damn, when did she become the bitch?” Justin wanted to know. He was still playing in Maddie’s hair, rolling the strands between his fingers.

“Earlier today when she tried to clown me.”

“For real?”

The group fell silent as the woman in question reached them. She ignored the rest of the people there and concentrated on her job: to get the guys of *NSYNC and Maddie to consider the possibility of touring together. This would be different, she explained, from other tours because cameras would follow them around everywhere to record the things they saw and did. She went on to say that the idea had been tossed around first for a video for Maddie and then one for *NSYNC; then someone had the brainstorm to have them tour together to sort of kill two birds with one stone. She told them that she had approached both management teams and that the *NSYNC crew was on board as long as the guys were okay with it but that Romero had said that he couldn’t say yes or no until he talked to Maddie. From then on, she’d concentrated solely on Maddie, knowing that she was going to be the tougher sale. From past experience, she knew that the *NSYNC guys were down for just about anything. She’s pointed out all the ‘supposed’ advantages to touring with *NSYNC and showed her the projected sales figures for a video of this sort. It was to be an ‘all-inclusive, Real World-ish’ kind of thing, taking the fans where they had never been before.

Maddie listened quietly and thought for a moment before she spoke. “That sounds good and fine but I don’t want to tour with these guys.”

“Why, what’s wrong with us?” JC wanted to know.

“Yeah, we don’t got cooties,” Chris said then went back to nibbling on Heather’s neck. She was in her customary place on his lap.

“Nothing’s wrong with y’all, I just don’t want to ride on your coattails.”

Janine smirked. “Why not, Britney did.”

“Nuh uh.”

“Actually she did,” Kristy corrected. “Whenever her album sales would start to drop or if she had concert tickets going on sale, we let some rumor about her ‘slip’.”

“What kinda rumors?” Von asked, intrigued and horrified at the lengths some people would go to for money and fame.

“Usually something about her and some unknown guy and people would automatically assume it was Justin and print that.”

Madison was astonished. “Are you serious?”

Wendy turned to Justin. “You let them use you like that?”

Justin shifted in his seat. “It wasn’t like that.”

“Yeah,” Chris came to his aid, “we were just using our fame to help a friend.”

“But you gotta admit, she let all that get to her head,” Lance commented.

“Yeah, she did,” Justin agreed. “But they don’t do that anymore, right, Kristy?”

Almost too quickly, Kristy answered. “Right. The stuff people come up with now is all on their own.”

Maddie sighed. “Did you ever stop to think that the backlash Britney got when she was just rumored to be with Justin would be worse for me because we actually are?”

The room got really quiet. Not the ‘you could hear a pin drop’ kind but damned close.

Justin sat very still. He almost wasn’t breathing. He felt for sure that his heart has stopped. “Are we?”

Maddie twisted in her seat. Her eyes met his and her entire visage softened. “I don’t know what we are but…this could get really bad.”

He shook his head. “Nope.”


“I won’t let it.” He flashed her a smile so sweet, so sincere, so…Justin. She smiled back and leaned in to him. His eyes focused on her lips as he lowered his head.

“Um, hello? Member us?” Joey’s wry voice intruded.

Maddie blushed and sat back in her seat. Justin sighed as he regarded the smiling Joey. “Why you blockin’? Aiight, I see how it’s gon’ be.”

Joey grinned wider and gathered Janine closer.

“Anyway, Madison, please think about it. We’re looking at the possibility of a fall/Christmas tour. Here’s my card, have your manager call me when you’ve reached a decision.” Kristy’s eyes swept over the group, lingered on JC, flashed angrily at Jen. When she looked back to Maddie, her face was blank, unreadable. “Call me.”

Jen followed her progress as she left. As Kristy passed Jacob, Jen noticed him for the first time. “Uh, guys, don’t look but there’s this really creepy guy and he’s staring at us.”

All twelve heads turned to see.

Jen groaned. “I said don’t look.”

“Oh, that’s Jacob,” Kendra informed them. She had been uncharacteristically quiet all morning.

“Jacob?” Lance turned to her, a questioning look in his eyes.

When Kendra turned bright red, Maddie knew the reason for her silence. She motioned for Jacob to join them. “He’s my bodyguard.”

“Bodyguard?” It was Joey’s turn to question.

“Yeah, some of the fans are getting a little too friendly.”

“And a little too weird.” Kendra was able to speak now that Lance’s eyes weren’t trained on her.

Jacob reached them and Maddie made the introductions. Lance turned to her.

“You haven’t gotten any more of those letters, have you?”

“What letters?”

“Wendy told Justin that—“

Maddie turned to Wendy. “What letters?”

Wendy glared at Lance who shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. “Oops.”

"Wendy Lou-"

Before Maddie could begin her diatribe, Romero's voice rang out. "Ay, mami, estamos aqui! Por fin! It only took forever, but that's okay. This is gonna be great!"


Maddie stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel. "I gotta remember to ask Wendy about that, the dancers showed before I could.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Maddie hastily threw the towel around her body, walked over to the door and threw it wide open. "'Bout time you got-oh! I thought you were Wendy!"

Justin had been looking at a kissing couple down the hall that looked a lot like Janine and Joey. He wasn’t sure; they were too far away. He’d been staring intently, trying to figure it out and so was unprepared when the door flew open. He was even more unprepared for the sight that greeted him.

The ivory smoothness of her bare feet contrasted with the lavender carpeting. Her pale pink toes stood out. Droplets of water glistened along her well-formed leg. The bottom of the towel barely reached to mid-thigh. The stark whiteness of the cotton enhanced the dusky hue of her skin. Her hair was in a messy tangle piled on top of her head, some wet tendrils clinging to her neck. His eyes followed a bead of water as it flowed from her temple down to her jaw to caress her neck before it was absorbed into the towel covering her bosom. He swallowed thickly and said the first thing that came to mind. “Got anything to drink?”

Maddie backed away from the door, her breathing erratic, her heart racing. She felt hot and achy all over. Never in a million years would she have imagined that a look, one look, from a man could create such a tumult inside her. She babbled in her nervousness. It did not help matters that Justin matched her step for step: for every step she took backwards, he took one forward, like a predator stalking its prey. “The fridge is fully stocked and there’s even a wet bar so you an have anything you want. To drink! I mean, you can have anything you want to drink and I should probably shut up now cause I know I sound like an idiot and—“ Her chatter ceased when she tripped over the suitcase she’d left in the middle of the floor.

Instinctively, he reached out to catch her.

It took a minute for her heartbeat to settle from the suddenness of her near fall. It re-accelerated as she took note of their position.

He was standing so close to her she could feel his breath fanning her face. His hands spanned her waist and hers gripped at his arms. Their eyes met. He leaned down as she reached up.

The first kiss was tentative. The second was exploratory. The third was explosive, a wild meshing of tongues and arms and frantic breathing. It was also short-lived.

“Damn, y’all don’t waste any time, do you?” Janine asked as she and Joey stepped into the room.

Face flushed, Maddie excused herself and fled to the bathroom.

As she was closing the door, she heard Justin moan, “Do you know how much your timing sucks?”

The door clicked shut as a very satisfied smile spread across Maddie’s face.

Chpt 25
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