Who Am I?
Ch 2

Viera woke up several hours later. After the doctor explained to her that from the coma, she was suffering from amnesia. He said that it wasn't uncommon after being asleep for months. Her memory should return on its own soon, but Viera didn't care how long it took because one minute without knowing who she was, was one minute too long.

She opened her eyes again but instead of seeing a room full of nurses, she noticed two young women looking sympathetically at her. She got a strange vibe from them but shook that feeling off thinking it was just because of the place she was in.

She didn't like being in the hospital, wanted to leave, get her memory back and return to normal. Maybe these girls could help her with some of that.

"Hello." She said to the strangers.

Neither one knew what to say to her. Both had visited the hospital several times in the beginning but about a month ago, the visits stopped…until now.

The taller of the two jabbed her friend in the side and motioned her to say something.

"He…hey." She finally got out as she gave her companion an evil look then turned her attention back to Viera. "I mean, hi. How are you feeling?" She asked as she approached the young woman.

Viera gave the two a small smile before answering them. "I'm doing as well as I can considering…well." She started but was interrupted when she couldn't get the phrase out.

"Because you lost your memory?" the other girl asked as she joined her friend who was now beside Viera.

"Yeah." That was all Viera could say. She let her eyes wander to the other girls and hope they knew the answer to her question. "Do you know who I am? The doctor's didn't have much to go on. They told me my name was Viera or something like that."

The two looked at one another strangely. She didn't know anything.

"Um…" One of the girls started. "Well, first off, my name is Holly and this is Brooke. We were two of your best friends."

She was jabbed again by her friend. 'What the hell?' Brooke mouthed but Holly shrugged her away.

"Best friends?" Viera asked, upset that she couldn't remember two people who obviously cared enough about her to visit.

Holly gave Brooke a warning look to not interrupt and began again. "Yeah, we use to hang out, go to movies, even went to a concert together before your accident."

Viera sat up in her bed to make herself more comfortable. These two would surely fill her in on who she use to be.

"Please, what else did we do?"

Holly nodded to Brooke who merely rolled her eyes but jumped right into the conversation. She sat down in the swivel chair beside Viera's bed, took her hand for added effect and looked her in the eye.

"I can't believe you don't remember ANYTHING. Are you kidding, we use to do all sorts of things. There was this one time you, Hol and my went to a party at this guy's house. You were the life of that party. I tell ya, ALL the guys loved you."

Viera gave her a strange look. Although she couldn't remember her life, she didn't see herself as the party-type – but what was she to say what she was or wasn't.

"Did I have a lot of boyfriends?"

Brooke looked at Holly who smiled evilly and nodded her head. Brooke took a deep breath and continued. "Any boyfriends? Girl you not only had guys all over you but you had the HOTTEST boyfriend. The two of you were inseparable. Really, it was sickening what a great couple you were. In fact, I have his picture with me." Brooke said as she stood and walked over to where she had laid her purse on the window seal, dug through it to find what she was looking for, walked back to Viera's bedside and handed her the framed picture.

Viera hesitantly took it and looked at the blue frame with yellow and orange flowers that lined its outside. The picture was of her and another young man. He was absolutely beautiful to Viera and although she couldn't remember who he was, she felt something inside warm up when she slid her fingers gently over his face.

She looked up at her two friends and smiled brightly. "He's my boyfriend?" She asked unable to comprehend how such a gorgeous creature would be with her. She definitely had a lot to remember.

Holly stepped forward and grabbed the picture out of her hands to examine it further. "You bet he is and he can't wait to see you again."

Viera got a confuse and scared look to her face. "But where is he and…were we…um…CLOSE?"

Brooke just about busted out laughing but hid it well. This was just TOO easy in her mind. "OH YEAH. You guys were very close. Oh, and he's not here because he's on the road."

"On the road?" Viera interrupted.

Holly cut in on this one. "He's on the road, as they say because he's a musician of sorts."

Viera gave them another confused look. She was worrying about who exactly she had been before the accident. "I'm dating a musician?"

"Well, not a MUSICIAN but he is in a band. In fact, a very BIG group. They are finishing up with their tour next week then he'll be home and wants to see you. I've talked to him and he's so excited you're okay." Holly said, giving Viera the best sticky sweet smile she could.

She was filling her head pin out of control at that moment. She went from waking up with amnesia to having a famous boyfriend. All the information was too much for her to process right now.

"Um, do you think it would be alright if you leave me alone for awhile? I need to think about what you've told me." She looked at her friends' faces to make sure they weren't mad.

Holly was the first to speak up. "Sure girl, we'll come back tomorrow and see how you're doing. I'll just leave you this picture. Maybe it'll help jog your memory." She said as she handed Viera the picture back then motioned Brooke to get up so they could leave.

Viera thanked them for understanding and the last thing the girls saw before they existed her room was the confused look upon her face as she tried to figure out who the man in the picture was and what he meant to her.

Brooke grabbed Holly and pushed her against the wall when they saw the door close behind them. "What the hell are we doing to her? Don't you think she's been through enough and when she does get her memory back, she'll realize what happened to her and…"

Holly threw her hand over Brooke's mouth and smiled warmly at the nurse that was walking by the pair. After she past them, Holly removed her hand and spoke to Brooke in an upset tone. "Well, maybe she won't remember but if she does, who cares. Yeah she's been through a lot but we can't back down on our plan. We decided weeks ago after…well, you know… that we were going to do this and you bet I'm not backing down. They are going to pay for what they did."

When she finished, Brooke looked on the verge of tears. "I know they need to pay but you know we are not only going to ruin Viera's life but we could seriously screw up five others."

Holly's face showed no remorse at all. "I know." She said as she threw her hair back with one hand, grabbed a hold of Brooke's arm and dragged her down the hall and out of the hospital. They had a lot to do before Viera's release from the hospital which would be only a week or so.

Ch 3
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