Who Am I?
Chapter 7

JC was the first to break the kiss. He pulled back from Viera and quickly licked his lips. "Um, oh sorry about that." He told her, lowering his head and glancing at his feet as they tapped nervously on the tile floor.

Viera noticed his apprehension but didn't really understand it. She was told that they were very close before the accident so for the two of them to kiss shouldn't have been that uncalled for. If he was trying to be nice for her sake though, she was flattered. He was so kind to her, taking his time, not wanting to rush her recovery.

"JC, don't be sorry. I thought it was pretty good considering that I can't remember the last time we kissed." She replied, leaning her head to the side and looking at him with a grin.

His heart sank at the sight of her. She was only doing what she thought he wanted to make him happy, but what would make him the happiest would be to go back in time to the night he met Viera. He would have changed so many things. But for now, he had to look this beautiful woman in the eyes and pretend to be someone he wasn't, all because of one night.

He saw Viera smiling brightly at him and he let out a big gulp of air before speaking again. "Well, I just didn't want you to um...feel uncomfortable or anything." He told her as his feet stopped tapping and he gave her a little smile of his own.

Viera saw the sweetness on his face and approached him, grabbing onto one of his hands. "JC, out of everything I've been introduced to in the past few weeks, you are the only thing that doesn't make me uncomfortable. In fact..." She started as her hand let go of his so she could wrap her arms around his waist. "I don't feel as alone when I'm with you." She spoke to him, her eyes never leaving his. "Thank you for making me feel at ease."

JC just about lost it right there. Viera was so sincere and so trusting that another minute of lying to her was too much in his mind but the look on her face told JC that he had to keep it up. She had been through so much in the last two weeks...make that three months...and he wanted her to have a little happiness for a change. When the truth finally came out, her life would be shattered - maybe all she would do would be to hate him for a little while. He prayed it wouldn't come to that but he knew she would be devastated. 'A few more days of this can't hurt, can it?'

He decided that keeping the smile on Viera's face was what mattered right now. The truth would only bring its end and JC selfishly wanted it there for a little longer.

He slowly raised his own arms up and around her back, lowering his head merely an inch, to touch her forehead with his. "You don't have to thank me, Viera. But if I do anything to make you feel awkward, please tell me." He instructed as his eyes closed and he savored the peaceful moment with her in his arms.

She smiled at his comfortable stance and slid her head to the side, placing her cheek beside his and squeezing him tight. "I doubt you'll ever make me feel that way but I will tell you if it happens." She said, whispering in his ear.

JC shivered under the warmth of her breath and merely held her as close to him as possible. For a moment, he forgot that they weren't really a couple, that all of this was just some sick joke that Brooke and Holly had concocted to get Viera...AND JC, back for what had happened that ill-fated night when they all met.

The two of them stayed in that position for several minutes until JC heard the phone ring. He pulled away from Viera, giving her a much more convincing smile, before walking over to the phone.

"Hello." He spoke into the receiver.

Viera watched as his body seemed to float to the other side of the kitchen but then his relaxed stance turned to stone as he heard the other person speak. She had no idea who it was but JC's back looked tight and his voice was strained.

"Um, yeah I know. Uh huh. No, you don't have to remind me. Yes. Yes, I got it. No, I'm not that dumb. I know, okay? Yeah, bye."

Viera watched as JC hung up the phone. He kept his back to her for a while, running a hand through his dark hair, even raising his arms over his head to stretch out his back before slowly turning around. She crinkled up her brow in wonder. "Um, are you okay?" She asked, slowly making her way over to where he was.

JC appeared on edge and his face seemed to age ten years in the last few seconds. He waved her off as he stopped her with his hands when she stood in front of him. He touched her shoulders and told her that he was fine. "Yeah, I just remembered that I have to go somewhere soon. Do you think it would be okay if I take you home now?" He asked, walking away from her. He didn't want to look her in the eyes right then.

Viera was a little hurt that he wasn't sharing something with her. She didn't understand how everyone acted like her and JC were this super-couple but he was keeping things from her. Maybe he was having a harder time dealing with her accident than he was letting on. "Um, yeah I guess. Let me call the girls and tell them." She replied as she reached for the phone herself.

JC turned around and watched her profile as she picked through her purse to find Brooke's number. She quickly dialed it and waited for one of the girls to answer.

JC had to turn his head when he heard Viera's kind voice speaking to Holly. He was mentally cursing himself for going along with this horrible plan of theirs. He should have come clean with the whole thing and taken his chances but the group felt that it was too much of a risk to take. Now he was in this situation and had NO way out of it.

Viera would be hurt if she found out the truth. Holly and Brooke weren't to be trusted. The guys couldn't help him. He was stuck.

"Yeah, okay I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." Viera said as she clicked the phone off and replaced it on its stand. She reached for her purse, turned to face JC and put on the fakest smile known to man.

JC saw right through it and his heart broke.

"I'm ready to go." She announced as she gave him a miserable look with her eyes.

JC took a deep breath, stepped forward and grabbed one of her hands. "Viera, what is it?" He asked, knowing full well that HE was the source of her sad eyes but hoped he was wrong.

She simply shook her head and pulled her hand away from his. "Nothing JC. You said that you had to go somewhere and I don't want to make you late...so let's go." She said as she began walking past him and heading towards the front door.

JC slumped his shoulders as his head hung. He took a second to get his thoughts together then headed out of the house to follow Viera. He saw her standing beside his car with her arms crossed over her chest. She was staring at the gravel below her feet and wouldn't look up when he approached. He let out a big sigh, walked up to her and proceeded to unlock her side of the car before opening it for her. She quietly thanked him then hoped inside and buckled her seatbelt.

JC made his way over to the other side and tried to give her an encouraging smile but she was avoiding his face at all costs. He didn't like what he was doing - that was an understatement - but the phone call shook him up.

He started the car and pulled out of his driveway. The trip to Viera's apartment felt longer than it really was. Neither one said a word to one another. JC - not knowing what to say. Viera - too upset to say anything at all.

As the car came to a stop in front of her building, Viera didn't give JC a chance to turn the car off before she unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out. She was nearly to the door of the building when she heard the engine shut off and another door close. She closed her eyes as she pulled the handle to allow herself access inside the three story living area. She didn't look back when the door opened behind her as her own body was halfway up the stairs. She was on a mission to get inside her apartment and that was her only concern.

Her hand shook as she tried to force the key into the lock then she suddenly felt another hand on top of hers and take the keys away. He didn't say a word, merely unlocked her apartment door for her, opened it up and allowed her to enter.

She gave him a slight glance as she passed by and walked inside the small area. She didn't need to invite him in for he was right behind her. She turned around and held her hand out for him to give her the keys back. He slowly stepped forward, getting very close to her and extending his hand out to hers. He placed the key ring in the palm of her hand but kept his there for any response from her.

Viera felt the warmth of his hand on hers and without thinking, she let the keys drop to the floor allowing her the freedom to take a hold of JC's hand. She closed her fingers around his then felt a tug on their latched hands.

He pulled at her to give her the hint to step forward. She did so and he let go of her hand to replace his hold on her body. As his arms went around his waist, she reciprocated by placing her own arms around his shoulders. Her head buried into his neck and she whispered to him. "Why'd you push me away?" She asked, still not wanting him to know how hurt she was but was giving him a clue.

He let out a sigh and held her tighter to his chest. "Viera, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you away. I really didn't." He answered, knowing full well why he did it but not wanting her to know.

She lifted her head and gave him the same sad look in her eyes as she did at his house. "JC, do you really have to be somewhere or were you lying to get rid of me?"

JC felt like a jerk right then. His heart dropped as he took in her face. "No, I don't have to be anywhere. I just...I can't really explain it...but I just...I just need to be alone for awhile." He told her as he reluctantly pulled away from her and stepped back an inch or two.

Viera nodded her pitiful head at him and took a short breath before walking around him to open the door back up. She lowered her head and looked towards the ground as she told him that she understood and would talk to him later.

JC watched her whole body slump and hated what he was doing but it had to be done. He couldn't be near her right now for he didn't trust himself. He would crumble and tell her everything if he stayed but for now, he had to leave so he could think about a few things. He had to figure out how he was going to handle this situation from this point on and had two very hateful and spiteful girls to speak to before he could deal with his problems.

"I'll call you later." He told her as he slid his lean body out the door and then cringed when he heard the door slam behind him. He didn't need to turn around, but merely held his head to the sky and cursed himself. 'How the hell am I suppose to do this alone?'

Chpt 8
Chpt Index