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   It had been a dark and stormy night, and like any other morning after a storm the birds were chirping, the wind was breathing the leaves in the trees above, and the crispness had given __ a new rejuvenated feeling he had not felt in quite a while.  It had been some time since the age of machines and computers, the great cataclysm had seen to that.  The world had undergone a drastic change at the end of that fateful war, with the weapons of destruction causing a completely unforeseen result; plunging the world into a state of cryogenics for the past five centuries.  In those five centuries almost all technology had disappeared from the face of the Earth leaving just Nature in all her splendor.  During this stasis many people had been changed, each developing unique characteristics that arose from their personalities.

   Those that had survived the freeze were just learning to cope with their losses and their new found gains.  Most of the major cities had been destroyed, having left the survivors to build villages and seek for each other. __ had started this quest in earnest due to his new status, he had during the Freeze became a druid, a collector and user of both current and ancient knowledge.  He was on his way to Lethe, the only desolate area left from the cataclysm.  His keep, his Avalon, was on the ridge over looking both Lethe and the vale where he rested the night before.  Lethe had held the secret to his search, there was located in the crags a great bed of water that had a silver luster that made seeing into it nearly impossible, but __ had unlocked the secret, albeit quite by accident, the river served as a window to what he had searched.

   People had searched and found each other recreating the societies they had only read of in history texts.  The new civilizations had banded together in the need of belonging, while he had searched out others his own nature caused him to prefer to be alone.  The journeys were arduous and always involved looking for someone from his past, recently he was having haunting visions of a raven haired beauty.  Her name had been ** and at the time of the great cataclysm she was living nearly 3200 kilometers from @@.  Much as the world had no longer been Pangea at the time of the cataclysm, the world was no longer that of the 20th century.  That was the question that most plagued __, where was she now.  She could be only 1500 kilometers from Lethe, for all he knew, and that was what bothered him.  In the time since he had awakened, he had traversed all the land within one month's journey approximately 1000 kilometers in every direction, and still only had a minor knowledge of the new world.  On one of his journeys he had met up with three of his acquaintances, in the town on the river Auhcala.  The problem that was bothering him had been that he had had a similar dream just weeks before finding them and now he was having this one with no idea on how to find his raven locked love.  This was the reason for his return to the valley of Lethe; in his right mind he would never have approached that stream again, but his recent somber mood allowed him to journey there without hesitation.

   Hours passed as __ walked on, his choice had become clear to him, he was going to do all he could for the pacification of his soul.  As he stared deeply into the pool at Lethe, he realized one thing that he was going to have to make the journey, the impossible journey, the one from which he would never completely return.  His choice had been made clear, a part of his self would be lost in his search for **; he gave up his humanity in order to find his long lost love.

To Sarah and Julie

This is a work in  progress.  Its current ending was due to the fact that it was an assignment for Euro Lit II.  It will grow someday.

das Nerd,   To Sarah and Julie, Calendar, Pictures, Nature, Writings, Others