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This page belongs to my wanderings and other thoughts.  Occasionally something moves me so very much that I write about it.  I can not say if they are good or bad, that isn't for me to decide, they just are.  So just send me feedback.

We lay there in each others embrace,

Just admiring your beautiful face.

Your body relaxed, full of rest,

You had placed your head on my chest.

I hoped for hours it would last,

That this time should never be past.

It was to be, Soft it would seem,

Shame that it had to be a dream.

I awoke to the sounds of the birds,

your head on my chest,

your hand upon my breast

the long brun hair i swept

from your face while you slept

it had been an experience, one i wont soon forget

das Nerd,   To Sarah and Julie, Calendar, Pictures, Nature, Writings, Others