Callie was livid. She frantically dialed the number of her father's office.

"Mr. Anderson's office, please hold."

"Uh, no."

"Callie? How are you dear?" The receptionist asked politely.

"Great, can I speak to my father?" She walked through the parking lot forgetting where she parked her car.


"Daddy...somethings wrong with the credit card..." she whined.

Silence. She looked up, it had gotten dark since she went into the mall and she could hear thunder in the distance.

"I don't have time for this right now, Callie, I'm with a client."

"You knew about this?"

"I've got to go Callie. I'll talk to you later."

Click. She stomped her foot on the pavement like a child throwing a tantrum. As if on cue she heard someone walk up behind her, "little princess not getting her way?" The gold Taurus guy was back.

"Are you following me or something?"

He just laughed and walked passed her toward his car. A bolt of lightening struck and the thunder continued.

"Hey!" She called.



"Can you try that a little slower and with more politeness?"

"Could you give me a lift to my car, please?"

"Where is it?"

"I'm not sure."

He laughed again.

She walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. She sat down and shut the door silently.

"Well aren't you a chatterbox?"

She smirked, "Well aren't you an asshole?"


"Turn here. Wait... there it is!"

He looked at the familiar car and stopped behind it. "Thanks." She muttered climbing out of the car.

"My pleasure, your highness."

She glared at him and got into her car. She dialed Madison's number hoping for an answer.



"Hey, what's up?"

"Daddy...he's being such a...ugh."

"What happened?"

"He cut off my money supply."


"He wants me to move back into the house."

"Why don't you?"

"I don't know... freedom."

"But at least you'd have a maid and someone to make your meals for you all day and night."

Callie smiled, "True..."

"So, what are you going to do?"

She paused, "What do you think about me getting a job?"

"A what?"

"A job..."

"I think that would be hilarious."


"You've never worked a day in your life... what would your skills be? Work experience? You've got nothing."

"So, I can fib."

"That's illegal."

"Not if noone finds out."

"Listen, I'm watching the kids, can I call you back?"

Madison's older sister worked at night and slept during the day, so Madison spent a lot of time watching her niece and nephew.

Callie pulled into her parking lot. She glanced at her sticker on the window and realized it was almost time for an oil change.

She unlocked the door to find Justin sitting on her couch watching t.v.

"Hey honey." He said not looking up.

She groaned.

"Rough day at the mall?"

She ignored him and opened a cupboard. She was out of ricecakes...


He looked over at her.

"Can I, well, would you care if I..."

"Spit it out."

"I need some money."

"Ok. Why?"

"Daddy cut off my supply, and until I get a job- I'll need some money... groceries, oil change..."

Justin started to laugh.

"Justin! It's not funny."

He stopped laughing. "You're serious?"

"Why does everyone act like I can't work? Am I handicapped? Am I mentally retarded?"

"It's not that honey."

"Whatever." She turned on her laptop and waited for it to load.

Justin turned back to the t.v. while Callie started a resume tutorial.

An hour later she printed the resume and smiled at it proudly.

"Wanna hear it?"

Justin glanced up from the couch.

"Is there a lot to hear?"

She rolled her eyes, annoyed by his lack of support.

"Skills: Works well with others, has knowledge of computers and computer programs such as MicrosoftWord, Works and Excel. Prior Work Experience: 2 years at A & L Law Firm. Secretarial duties, including filing, answering phones, and taking messages. 1 year at Belair's Printing Co. Managerial duties, including scheduling, hiring, and payroll."

"First of all, working for your dad once and awhile when the secretary is sick is not experience... and second of all, you never worked at Belair's."

"They don't know that."

"They will when they call."

"Belair's closed down. There's noone for them to call."

"And what happens when they call your father?"

"It'll be fine, Justin. Have some faith."

He sighed and rolled back over.

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