Callie pulled her car unto the lift at the auto shop.

"What can I do for you?" The mechanic asked in monotone.

"Just an oil change." Callie looked up to be starring into the deep emerald eyes of the owner of the ugly Taurus.

"Come on!" She pounded her fists into the wheel. "Why are you everywhere?"

He smiled, "Be careful, one of these days you're going to offend me."

"I'll get my oil changed somewhere else, thanks."

"C'mon - you're already on the lift, might as well get it done."

"Can I request another mechanic?"

"Then instead of working on your car I could sit inside and enjoy more scintilating conversation with you? Sure!"

She glared at him and opened the door. "Don't scratch it, don't dent it, and if at all possible - try not to breath in it."

"Denting...isn't that your job?"

She went inside the door leading her to a cool corridor and finally to waiting area. A women in her eighties was tapping her shoe impatiently on the floor. Every few minutes she would cough something up and make sure everyone within fifty feet could hear her swallow it. Callie looked away and watched as the mechanic drained her oil.

'I hate to admit it, but he has a nice body...' she thought to herself.

"Ms. Anderson... we've got a problem."

Callie looked up at the mechanic and rolled her eyes, "No, I've got a problem and he's right in front of me."

The mechanic ignored her comments, "Shut up. Your car has a problem."

"What did you do to it?"

"I didn't do anything to it, but there is power steering fluid leaking out and you really should get it fixed."

She nodded, "and if I don't?"

"Eventually, you won't be able to turn your wheel and you'll loose control of your car and could possibly kill yourself, or someone else."

Her eyes widened.

"I can fix it..."

"And so can 50 billion other mechanics."

"Look, Callie..."

"Don't say my name like you know me."

"I'm Ashton. Now we've been introduced. I know you."

She glared once more.

"Anyway, I'm trying to help you. I didn't call the police when you crashed into me, so why won't you just give me a break?"

"I'm sorry," She muttered.

"That was big of you."

"Can you just fix my car...please?"

"I would love to."

Callie stormed off as Ashton watched her go. He admired her smooth olive skin that contrasted with the strapless white shirt she was wearing. He had to admit that she was hot, 'but one hell of a bitch.' He smiled, shook his head and went back to her car.

Callie pulled out her cell phone to call Madison. "Maddy?"

"What's up?"

"I need you to come to Michael's Tune-Up and come get me."

"Well, I've sort got plans in a little bit."

"I'll be stuck up here for hours."

"Try calling Justin."

Callie groaned and clicked the end button, she dialed Justin's number but got the answering machine. Finally, she dialed the numbers to his cell.




"Will you come and get me?"

"From where?"

"Michael's Tune-Up."

"I thought you were getting an oil change,"

"Well, my power steering is shot... So much for having a new car."

"Well, I'm kind of busy right now."

"Doing what?"


"Can't it wait?"

"It could but then what would you wear on your interview tomorrow?"

"I'll wash the outfit when I get home. Please come get me!"

"I'll try." Then she heard the click.

"Asshole." She grumbled into the phone, long after Justin hung up.

"Something wrong?"

She looked up at Ashton and rolled her eyes, "like you care."

He kneeled in front of her, "I may not like you personally, but that doesn't mean I don't care about people in general."

"Thanks," she muttered.

"You're the one who always is sarcastic and bitchy to me, so don't act like I hurt your feelings." He stood up and pushed the glass door opened and muttered something to a different mechanic. He lowered himself under her car and went to work.

She glanced up at the clock. She'd already been there for an hour. She looked out the window and noticed the sun was setting.

She pushed the door open and could hear Ashton singing a Garth Brooks song out of tune. She cleared her throat and waited. Ashton ignored her and continued to wail out his song. She cleared her throat again. Ashton pulled himself from under her car and inched close to her face.

She inhaled sharply and waited to see what would happen next. He ran his fingers through her smooth brown hair and stopped when his hand got to her jaw.

"I got friends in low places where the whiskey drowns in the oasis, ohh I got friends in low places," he roared.

Callie pushed him away from her and tapped her foot.


"Can I get my car?"

"Not done."

"Well, how do you expect me to get home."

"Who's problem is that?"

She looked down at her feet and bit her bottom lip. Her lip gloss had dulled an hour ago and her cheeks were flushed. He couldn't help but pity her.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Not from you."

There went the pity.

She dialed Justin's number. "Hey, you've reached Justin! Leave your message and I'll be sure to give you a call back!"

"Hey Justin, it's Cal... if you're there, please...please pick up."

She clicked the phone off and walked over to the familiar gold Taurus.

"So how about that ride?"

He opened the passenger side door and she got in.

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