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Order Form

First Name        MI                                Last Name

Street Address                                            Apt #  

City                                 State or Province        Country                      Postal Code

Email Address                                                                       Phone #

Quantity        "On My Way"  $15.00 each

Quantity        "Family Christmas"  $15.00 each

Quantity        "Love Will Find Us"  $15.00 each

Sub Total  $

Shipping    $ @$2.00 each

Total        $


Print out form and send along with payment to:

Gayle & Company
P.O. Box 521
Wrightwood, CA 92397

Please make personal checks or money orders payable to Gayle Dowling. f

Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

All Photo's & MP3's are the property of Gayle & Company

Downloads must be approved by Gayle & Company

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