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Artistic Overview

The Players

Venues and Dates

Project Outline

The Cry of Tin

A powerful 90 minute musical documentary drama telling the story of the rise and fall of mining in Cornwall, focusing on its impact on the people and the land.

Producer: Mike O'Connor

Mine Owner: The assayer puts the ingot on a bending machine. As the tin flexes it makes an eerie sound from which he judges its value. They call it the Cry of the Tin.


The CD and book of 'The Cry of Tin' is available from Cornwall Songwriters.

Commissioned and Sponsored by TGWU

Sponsored by

Cornwall County Council, Verbal Arts Cornwall, Kernow Bys Vyken,

District Councils of Caradon, Kerrier, North Cornwall, & Restormel

Cornwall Songwriters are part of an increasing Cornish presence in the national folk scene. Their songs are sung from football terraces to arts fstivals. That the songs can give lessons in modern life as well as history is shown by the graffiti of Roger Bryant's 'Cornish Lads' at South Crofty. The song is an anthem for many Cornishmen.