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Artistic Overview

The Players

Venues and Dates

Project Outline


The Cry of Tin - an outline of the show

A powerful 90 minute musical documentary drama telling of the rise and fall of mining in Cornwall.

Narration & drama link unforgettable songs by Cornwall's leading song-writers in a format pioneered by Ewan McColl.

Characters: Narrator, Tin, John Barleycorn, Mine Owner, Miners, Mines

Act 1: The Shining Land

In the beginning the Ancients Came to a Celtic Land, a source of riches in the Middle-Ages, and the land was exploited as as the Industrial Revolution started.

  • Scene 1: The Creation
  • Scene 2: Men of Bronze & Iron
  • Scene 3: The Kingdom of Cornwall
  • Scene 4: King and King-maker
  • Scene 5: The Weeping Land
  • Scene 6: The Last Judgement

Act 2: The Arrow of Time

Engineering wonders were created, whilst the people were exploited. Disaster and accident were never far away. As the decline started some emigratied, later some returned. But now, what of today? What of tomorrow?

  • Scene 1: The Sea Above Our Heads
  • Scene 2: To Feed our Children
  • Scene 3: I Buried My Brother
  • Scene 4: To Find the Seam
  • Scene 5: The Shafts are Silent

Producer: Mike O'Connor