The Division of William D. Coleman's Negro Property

Administrator's Report of Division of William D. Coleman
Filed February Seven A.D. 1853
Transcribed by Linda Durr Rudd
Probate Records Provided by Art Thomas

To the Honorable Robert Duncan Judge of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Mississippi.

We the undersigned your commissioners appointed at the last January term of your Honorable Court for the purpose of dividing among the heirs at law of the estate of the late William D. Coleman deceased, the negro property of said estate, would respectfully represent to your Honor this in obedience to the annexed writ of said Court. We have this day assembled at the late residence of the said William D. Coleman deceased, after having given due notices required in said writ, and proceeded to divide alot distribute and assign to each heir and distribute their respected share according to their respective lots as follows to wit making each equal distributive share one thousand and sixty four dollars and twenty eight and a half cents viz.

Lot No. 1
JIM valued and appraised at $600
HARRIET valued and appraised at $400
and received from Lot No. 7 -- $14.28 1/2
Which said Lot according to distribution is allocated and assigned to Mrs. Cassandra Coleman making her full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceased $1064.28 1/2.

Lot No. 2
EMILY valued and appraised at $750
CHARLES valued and appraised at $300
and received from Lot No. 7 -- $14.38 1/2
Which said Lot according to distribution is allotted and assigned to Daniel Coleman making his full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceased $1064.28 1/2.

Lot No. 3
LOTTY valued and appraised at $900
MUNROE valued and appraised at $150
and received from Lot No. 7 -- $14.28 1/2
Which said Lot according to distribution is allotted and assigned to Elias M. Coleman making his full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceased $1064.28 1/2.

Lot No. 4
SHELBY valued and appraised at $750
ELIZABETH valued and appraised at $300
and received from Lot No. 7 -- 14.28 1/2
Which said Lot according to Distribution is allotted and assigned to Mrs. L. A. McCormick making her full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceased $1064.28 1/2.

Lot No. 5
BETSY valued and appraised at $800
MARY valued and appraised at $250
and received from Lot No. 7 -- $14.28 1/2
Which said Lot according to Distribution is allotted and assigned to Erastus B. Coleman making his full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceased $1064.28 1/2.

Lot No. 6
PRIMUS valued and appraised at $600
ADALIZER valued and appraised at $450
and received from Lot No. 7 -- $14.28 1/2
Which said Lot according to Distribution is allotted and assigned to William D. Coleman, Jr., making his full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceased $1064.28 1/2.

Lot No. 7
JOHN valued and appraised at $500
DARCUS valued and appraised at $700
and according to Distribution pays Lot No. 1 fourteen dollars twenty eight and half cents Lot No. 2 fourteen dollars twenty eight and half cents Lot No. 3 fourteen dollars twenty eight and half cents Lot No. 4 fourteen dollars twenty eight and half cents Lot No. 5 fourteen dollars twenty eight and half cents Lot No. 6 fourteen dollars twenty eight and half cents.
Which said Lot according to Distribution is allotted and assigned to Roena C. Coleman making her full share of the negro property of the late William D. Coleman deceases $1064. 28 1/2.

We the undersigned commissioners do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct report of our proceedings in compliance with the annexed Writ given under our hands and seals this January the 7th A.D. 1853

C. C. Warren (Seal)
D. H. Cameron (Seal)
D. G. Buie (Seal)


Notes: Brothers Charles and Shelby Early testified in the federal military pension case of James McDaniel that they were the former slaves of William D. Coleman. Their parents were James/Jim born about 1810 in Alabama and Emily Earls born about 1825 in Virginia. The other children were Elizabeth, Adalizer, Mary, Harrieth, Emaline, Clorinda, Harris, and James, Jr. The members of this family who were born into slavery were named in the probate records of William D. Coleman.

1870 - Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 2
JAMES EARL, 60, AL; EMILY, 45, VA; HARRIETH, 24; Harris, 14; James, 11; Emaline, 10; Clorinda, 8
1880 Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 144
EMILY EARLS, widow, 55, VA, VA, VA; Harrison, son, 22; James, son, 20; Harriet, daughter, 30; Emeline, daughter, 18; Clorinda, daughter, 16 - All children report their birthplace as MS, parents as AL, VA.

Charles Coleman Earls served as a body servant to William D. Coleman's son, Daniel S. Coleman. Daniel enlisted May 02, 1862, served with Company D, 33rd Mississippi Infantry also known as the Franklin Guards. Daniel died August 28, 1864, of disease in a Georgia hospital. Charles returned to Jefferson County after Daniel's death and remained in Jefferson County raising a family. Charles died September 12, 1928, and is buried at the Hickory Block Church Cemetery in Jefferson County, MS.
1870 - Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 69
CHAS EARLY, 25, MS; Emaline, 22; James, 2; Female Infant, 6 months
1880 - Jefferson County, Beat 1 - Page 132
CHARLES EARLS, 30, MS, AL, VA; Emeline, wife, 30; James, son 13; Mary, daughter, 11; Lucinda, daughter 9; Alice, daughter, 7

1870 - Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 69
Prentis Brown, 23; LIZZIE, 22; Carroll, 2; Duft, 1; Malida Stewart, 10; Charity Stewart, 25
1880 - Jefferson County, Fayette, MS - Page 223
Prentice Brown 32, ELIZABETH, wife, 28, Sewell, son, 13, Shelby, son, 11, Katie, daughter, 7, Prentice, son, 6, Levi, son, 2
ELIZABETH EARLS married Prentice Brown June 23, 1866 in Jefferson County, MS.

1870 Jefferson County, Union Church - Page 2
SHELBY EARL, 38; Mary, 26; Sissie, 7
1880 Jefferson County, Beat 1, MS - Page 144
SHELBY EARLS, 41, MS, AL, VA; MARY, wife, 30; Monrora, daughter, 8

1870 - Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 3
Wallace Baily, 24; MARY, 18; Wallace, Jr.; 1, Juda, 27; Amelia, 5
1880 - Jefferson County - Beat 1, MS - Page 144
Wallace Baily, 36; MARY, wife, 28; William, son, 11; Vina, daughter, 9; Josephine, daughter, 6; Flora, daughter, 5; Greely, son, 2; Richardson, 1, son
MARY EARLS married Wallace Bailey December 22, 1867 in Jefferson Co., MS.

1870 - Jefferson County, Union Church, MS - Page 2
Calvin Buie, 23; ADALISA, 2?; Frank, 6 months; Annie, 8 Adalisa, 5
1880 - Jefferson County, Beat 1, MS - Page 144
Calvin Buie 25, ADLIZA, 26, MS, AL, VA, Franklin, son, 12, George, son, 8, Ella, daughter, 6, Effie, daughter, 4, Emma, daughter, 1
ADELIZER EARL married Calvin Buie December 31, 1868 in Jefferson Co., MS. Calvin was one of the trustees of the Hickory Block Church. He and his wife Adelizer are buried in the Hickory Block Church Cemetery.

Read about JOHN of LOT NO. 7 at this site:
Bryant-McDaniel Family of Franklin & Jefferson Counties, MS

WILLIAM DANIEL COLEMAN's father Richard T. Coleman and a Mr. McDaniel came to Mississippi together about 1806. Richard obtained a marriage license and married a Miss Anne Pate in Washington, Adams County, MS. The couple had the following children: William Daniel Coleman, Richard T. Coleman, Inama Coleman, and Elvira Coleman. Richard died when the children were very young. William Daniel chose John McDaniel as his guardian. Information provided by Art Thomas, direct descendant of William D. Coleman.

William Daniel Coleman was born May 28, 1813 in Franklin Co., MS, and died January 28, 1851 in Jefferson Co., MS. He married Cassandra Caraway May 28, 1835 in Franklin Co., MS, daughter of Adam Caraway and Sarah Alford. Cassandra died March 29, 1903 in Jefferson County, MS. The couple’s children were Lavinia Angeline Coleman, Erastus Bryant Coleman, William Daniel Coleman, Jr., Daniel S. Coleman, Elias Coleman, and Rowena Coleman.

William D. Coleman's Headstone

Cassandra Caraway Coleman's Headstone
Robinson Cemetery, Jefferson County, MS
Photographs Courtesy of Art Thomas,
Direct Descendant of William and Cassandra Coleman

The 1850 Jefferson County slave schedule does not record William nor his wife Cassandra as slave owners. William's 1851 probate records named 14 slaves which were to be given to his wife and children. Per the 1860 Jefferson County Slave Schedule, William's widow Cassandra Coleman owned 22 slaves.

William and Cassandra's daughter Lavinia Angeline Coleman married Neil McCormick.

Mississippi Coleman Death Index - 1912-1924

Remembering Their Names