Stephen Norval JESSEE [Parents]
Other marriages:CURTIS, Lynn Alison
ROSS, Shirley Jean
Evelyn Shareen "Sherry" GLENDENNING
Stephen Norval JESSEE [Parents]
Other marriages:ROSS, Shirley Jean
GLENDENNING, Evelyn Shareen "Sherry"
Lynn Alison CURTIS was born 16 Jun 1949 in Washington, , Dc. She died Oct 1969 in Yreka, , Ca and was buried in Glen Oaks, Butte Co., Ca. Lynn married Stephen Norval JESSEE on 23 Nov 1968 in Bidwell Presbyte, Chico .
They had the following children:
M i Stephen Norval JESSEE Jr.
Darrell Leslie JESSEE [Parents]
Other marriages:HARWOOD, Kim Olivia
They had the following children:
F i Shele Jeanne JESSEE
Larry Eugene JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Lesley Erin JESSEE M ii Peter Joseph JESSEE
Richard Leslie JESSEE [Parents] was born 3 Apr 1930 in Chico, Butte Co., Ca. He died in 2211 Fern Av, Chico, Ca. Richard married Betty Jean THOMAS.
They had the following children:
M i Stephen Norval JESSEE M ii Darrell Leslie JESSEE M iii Larry Eugene JESSEE
Stephen Norval JESSEE [Parents]
Other marriages:CURTIS, Lynn Alison
GLENDENNING, Evelyn Shareen "Sherry"
Darrell Leslie JESSEE [Parents]
Other marriages:LEWIS, Linda Kay (Hodge)
Donald Norval JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Terry Lyn JESSEE M ii Skip JESSEE F iii Jacqueline Elizabeth "Jackie" JESSEE was born 5 Aug 1960 in Chico, Butte Co., Ca. She died 30 Apr 1981 in Glenn, Ca.
William Richman "Billy" JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Matina Jeannette JESSEE M ii William Richman "Billy" JESSEE Jr. M iii Jake Gonzalo JESSEE
John Tivis "Johnny" JESSEE [Parents] was born 25 Nov 1939 in Chico, Butte Co., Ca. He died in Yuba City, Yuba Co, , Ca. John married Martha Diane HOLMES in Redding, Ca.
Martha Diane HOLMES was born 14 Apr 1942 in Corpus Christi, , Tx. She died in Yuba City, Yuba Co, , Ca. Martha married John Tivis "Johnny" JESSEE in Redding, Ca.
They had the following children: