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Episode 2 "Double Trouble"
Series Concept and story by J.Ernst
Certain original characters by Naoko Takeuchi

Chapter One

Sure enough,there was a DTS news conference the next day.Telulu and Virulet were in the crowd,listening quietly.A well-dressed man at the podium was saying "One of our facilities was broken into last night,and a data disk was stolen." He then held up a picture of it.The two Death-Busters recognized it as the disk Eugeal had taken from a safe. "If anyone finds it,they will be well rewarded. This disk is vital to our latest research project."
The conference over,Telulu and Virulet walked to Telulu's van. "Let's go."
Virulet said "This should be interesting." They were unaware that,as they drove off,a car followed them,carrying the well-dressed man.

Virulet and Telulu walked into the front of Tomoe Labs.At the front desk,Kaorinight greeted them. "What's up?"
Telulu said quietly "We have some news...we need to see the Doctor."
Kaorinight asked "Um,did something happen to your radio watches?"
Virulet shrugged. "Well,we wanted to do this in person."
Just then,the well-dressed man ran in,firing a machine gun. "Die!!"
"Ah,shit!!!" Virulet dived for cover.
Kaorinight hit the alarm button. "That's why we have radio watches!!"
As Telulu stood to run down the hall,the well-dressed man stuck the machine gun in his face. "You're an amateur,girl."
Just then,Cyprine dropped down from the ceiling,kicking the guy across the room.As the guy stood,Cyprine faced him. "You're a big guy with that machine gun...take me on?"
The guy began to fire,but then,Cyprine seemed to split in two,dodging the shot.The guy blinked,stunned. "What the hell?!?!?"
Cyprine stood a few feet away,but now there was another of her,with red hair,and her pigtail was on the left side of her head. "Can you handle both of us?" The redhead asked.
The well-dresssed man looked around wildly. "Holy shit!!!"
Cyprine yelled "Get him,Petirol!"
Petirol,the redhead,ran forward,hitting the guy with her staff. "You're up,Cyprine!"
Cyprine tackled the guy,and leapt into the air.As the well dressed man got up,Cyprine and Petirol aimed their staffs at him,and fired,vaporizing him into dust.
"Whoa..." Virulet murmured.
"That is why we have radio watches." said Doctor Souichi Tomoe,as he entered the room.
"Doctor Tomoe!" Cyprine and Petirol ran to him,hugging him and kissing him playfully.
Telulu asked "Just one question.....How?"
Doctor Tomoe replied "Cyprine is an HRD...Human Replica Droid.She can pass for a human girl in every way,except pregnancy.Petirol is her clone double. Cyprine can manifest Petirol physically for quite a while,but needs to recharge the skill for a bit afterwards."
Petirol smiled "See you later,Doctor?"
"Yes." Tomoe nodded.
Petirol melded into Cyprine again,and Cyprine winked at Telulu and Virulet. "I'm special that way."
"Must do wonders for your love life,Doctor Tomoe." Virulet grinned.
Tomoe gave a grin of his own. "You have no idea."
"You never told us she was a droid." Telulu said.
"You didn't ask." Tomoe replied. "Besides,she is loyal to our cause."
"Okay,okay..." Telulu looked around. "Damn,that guy made a mess."
Doctor Tomoe nodded. "That must be some disk if he came all the way here with a machine gun." He asked "Did he say anything at the conference?"
Virulet replied "He said it was vital to their current research project."
"Hmmm..." Tomoe turned on his watch. "Eugeal,did you decode that disk yet?"
"Yeah..." came Eugeal's smooth voice. "I think you should get up here."
"Ok." Doctor Tomoe waved over his sister,Hotaru,who just walked by. "Hotaru,I want you and Kaorinight to take care of this mess while we find out what the hell DTS is up to now."
"Ok,brother." Hotaru nodded.

Chapter Two

The Death-Busters were literally stunned by the news.Even Doctor Tomoe was grim. "They plan to make a big satellite that not only can take pictures, but fire nuclear weapons of mass destruction?!?" Telulu demanded.
Eugeal nodded. "It gets worse.It's got laser beams also."
"Sounds like Bubblegum Crisis." Cyprine said softly. "Whatever the hell it is,it's in for an ass kicking." Eugeal stood angrily.
Virulet studied her for a moment before she stormed out of the room. Eugeal was about 5 foot 7,long red hair tied into 3 ponytails,a red tanktop,red pants with a black dress that looked like most of it went through a paper shredder and a sizable rack. "So,um,what's with Eugeal?"
Tomoe waved a hand dismissively. "Ryoko's boyfriend was killed by DTS."
Mimet echoed "‘Ryoko'?!?"
Doctor Tomoe nodded. "Don't you girls ever have gab sessions?We do have regular names.... sorta.My real name is....don't laugh...Joel Germatoid.I go by the name of Souichi Tomoe.Virulet's name is Julie Virulet.My own sister's name is Sylia Germatoid.Other than that,the others are normal."
"And what about me?" Cyprine leaned her head in closely to Joel Germatoid/Doctor Souichi Tomoe.
"You're special." Doctor Tomoe said as he ran a hand down her cheek.
Cyprine smiled. "You made me that way." she countered.
"That's my inclination." Tomoe nodded.
"And your reason?" Cyprine played it out further.
"Perhaps my nature." Tomoe replied.
Cyprine kissed him,and then turned back to look at the data displayed on the wall screen.Doctor Tomoe turned to Mimet,who was grinning like the cat that ate the canary. "I take it you would like your pay for the other night?"
Mimet grinned. "Unless you two want to continue flirting."
Tomoe chuckled as he pulled out two stacks of $100 bills. "Here you go.Don't spend it all in one place.Next time,collect your pay on time,ok?No more waking me up at midnight just because the mall's having a shoe sale at 8 in the bloody morning."
After Mimet,Telulu and Virulet left,Doctor Tomoe and Cyprine were alone in the room. "Doctor...?" Cyprine said leadingly.
"Yes?" he asked.
"Can we have some time alone?" Cyprine asked.
Tomoe smiled slightly. "Did you want to go for it right here on the floor?"
Cyprine blushed. "Actually,I was thinking of your bedroom."
Doctor Tomoe took her hand. "Well then,I won't keep you waiting."

Eugeal was making modifications on her Firebuster.She was caught up in upgrading it,but had heard the soft footfalls behind her. "Yes,Telulu?"
Telulu asked "You want me to help you destroy that sattelite?"
"No...." Eugeal said. "I can do it myself."
"Ryoko....he was special,wasn't he?" Telulu ventured.
Eugeal paused.After a moment,she said "Yes." and went back to work.
Telulu stayed for a minute,then just as she was about to walk out the door,Eugeal said "Hey....thanks."
Telulu nodded. "No problem."
After they had finished having sex,Cyprine ran one of her slim hands up Doctor Tomoe's neck,to his face. "What's with the hand?"
Cyprine smiled. "Your's so pale,but perfect....and I like your face."
Tomoe said "I'm glad we soundproofed my bedroom walls.I thought you were gonna shatter all the windows with your screaming."
Cyprine laughed. " mean,this?" She began making her passionate cries again. "Uhhhh!!!UHHH!!!!!AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" A drinking glass on the bedside table actually cracked quite a bit. "You mean that?" she smiled playfully.
Doctor Tomoe looked at the glass. " sex machine." he sat up and kissed her softly,tasting the sweetness of her mouth.Cyprine slid her arms around his shoulders.Tomoe pulled away after a few moments. "We should get some sleep. I have to give a lecture at the academy tomorrow."
Cyprine nodded.They laid down again,Cyprine rested her head on his shoulder.

Chapter Three

The next day at Infinity Academy, ‘Professor' Tomoe gave a lecture. He was widely recognized at the academy as a professor,but it was in robotics,and to his secret Death-Busters group that he was known as a doctor.He was wearing a blue suit and tie,with dark blue pants and a light blue shirt. "You should always try to keep an open mind with science,and indeed with life.A lab experiment can blow up in your face just as surely as your boyfriend can be found dating every girl on the cheerleading squad."
There was some gentle laughter from the students.
Tomoe smiled,and went on. "You should strive to be the best.But not for the purpose of outdoing your rivals....but because you want to share your talents and skills with the world."
The bell rung,but no one ran out of the room.Tomoe said "Have chapter 15 ready for next class.That is all.Dismissed."
Students filed out calmly and orderly.
Tomoe was still looking over papers an hour later,when Cyprine knocked on the door. "Hey."
Tomoe looked at her. "Hi.You look lovely."
Cyprine was wearing an Infinity Academy schoolgirl's uniform. "You like it?"
"Yeah." Tomoe said,going back to his papers. "It shows off your legs well and hugs your breasts nicely."
Cyprine giggled. "Ready to go home?"
"Yes,dear." Tomoe finished the last paper,and walked into the hall with Cyprine.
Some of the students stared,wondering who the lucky,blue-haired girl was,to be walking arm in arm with Professor Tomoe.They got into a Lamborghini, Cyprine drove. "We have a lead,doctor." she said. "Virulet did some hacking,and there's a special disk being transported in through the harbor tonight."
"Odd." Doctor Tomoe stated.
Cyprine nodded. "It's being done that way,so no one online can intercept it."
"Interesting." Tomoe commented.
They got to his labs,and went into his bedroom.He changed out of his professor outfit,and was putting on his doctor outfit:blue and white shirt,black pants, blue tie,and white labcoat.He getting ready to head into the main laboratory area, when Cyprine asked "You really like this look?" ,indicating her academy uniform.
Tomoe smiled. "It's sexy." he kissed her cheek,and walked off.
Cyprine stared after him,a sexy smile on her face. "Such a romantic."

To be continued....

Episode 1
Episode 3