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One of the most important features of the face is the eyes. They are what people will look at the most when they are with you and therefore it is important to have nice looking eyes.
One of the things that is sort of sad is that a lot of people thing to that be goth you are only allowed to wear black and red eye makeup... in fact that is all some goths wear. You can be a little more creative and exotic with it though and often it looks a lot nicer and has a better effect that the black which just makes people look like they were severely beaten the night before unless they are really good at applying makeup. I am going to include as many different ways to do eye makeup as I can so hopefully there will be something for everyone and different degrees of difficulty involved.
Eventually I would like to get digital pictures of the different styles I am going to explane posted, but for the moment I will do some quick computer illustraitions so you can at least have an idea of what the eye makeup looks like.

Click on a picture to see how that style is done and to see other color combinations:

Stripe Eyes Tri Color Diagonal

About different tools and products:

Eyeshadows Eyeliners Mascara Fake Eyelashes Eyelash Curlers Applicators

