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The dreams and apparitions of the disiple Jαson. 

( never ending story )

Through the realms of spirit, mind and soul   



 Jαson have witnessed and received these

     apparitions & annomallies [dreams].

Before there was a created Earth I saw the vast ocean of water 

suspended in space. It was a large rectangular body of water



and there were no stars or moon.

In a gloomy forest I saw a shadow figure with a 

tail. He was leaping from 

tree to tree.




in the heavenly orphanage the children where playing and having lots of


fun. The heavenly father announced he was sending them to earth to live


in earthly families. The children were very excited. The children were


born into families on earth and had lots and lots of fun.

A monk monastery in complete zen like solemness.



Living the life of an orphan in an orphanage.



Jesus the Christ preached the word of God in the village of galilee. he took residence under a stairwell in a closet. Roman soldiers went up and down the stairwell looking for Jesus. Judas gave Jesus a kiss on his beard. he led Jesus to the cross. he was lucky to be able to hold on to his under garmits. and somehow he rose up into heaven.

Jαson the Great Warrior ventured through the labyrinth of Madusa and


turned her into a statue by using a mirror so that she turned


herself into statue by looking at herself. Jαson then used his


sharp blade to behead Mudusa. I am the only living person in hell


( paradize )

My intuition showed to me that Athena is Zeus's wife.


They live on mount Olympus and they ordained the


first Olympic games.



I was before the Father God Zeus. The other saints there were


signing a paper. I asked Zeus if I could sign the paper. He


became very ferious and said, No! You will fight for me!


I said "But I love everyone."

Ancient dragons going to the mountains eating stones so that

they can breath scorching fire.

A man was on an island somewhere with many 

beautiful women catering to his needs. But he felt an urge for


someone out yonder who could fill the emptiness in


his heart. So he decided to build a raft and sail the ocean to find


his real true love.

A man came before the judgement of a

judge. The judge said "Do you believe in God?" 

The man hollard with all his might "No!" Then the 

man was shot in the head.

There was a yard sale one day and the women

there were selling arts and crafts. That night


there was  a king sitting on a throne surrounded by dancing 

tribal women then all of a sudden the king was

beheaded by the tribal women.






Men went without the use of the pleasure of women and made fem-bots. they're batteries ran out.

Women were straight up lesbians. they contracted diseases and beccame totally zonked out.


Men are from mars - Women are from venus

Man and Woman  live  on earth






A man was traveling the country side during the revolutionary


war. He stopped at a nice home. The family let him stay the


night. He felt glad to be welcomed into their home.

I was hanging in darkness


as if I were

on the cross. Then a hand reached out to me and I took hold of the

hand and got out of the darkness. When I got out of the darkness I

saw the face of a very happy  man. I gave

him a kiss and said "thank you," Then I was in darkness again. The

hand reached out and I took hold. This time there was more pressure

trying to pull me away from the hand, but I held on and got out.

When I got out I saw a person and asked him

 "what's going on?".

He said "Micheal started a new game," "Earlier I was in a car

shooting guns like in a video game." I was about to ask "what is the

signifigance of games?", but I woke up speaking that.





I came into heaven I heard the choir of Heaven sing the beautiful


song Come just as you are.

 I fell in the presence of God and was caught in mid air.


One of the angels said to me, that is ludicrus. Then I woke up






I met a person from heaven. I

said "do you live in heaven. "Yes" the person 

said. " Do I live in heaven?," "Temporally" the 

person from heaven replied.

I ascended from my body during daylight and went through the 

walls out of my house and caught up to

the sky into the clouds. Again I was outside during the night and


ascended into the night sky. I then saw an embodiment of light


surrounded by darkness.


I was in front of a door with 

shinning words saying "the Judgement of Christ"  


I opened the door and staggard towards 


a Man I saw sitting on a throne. I fell into a stupor and a Man was 

standing to the side of me giggling. I said "Jesus, 

is that you?", "Yes" he replied. I gave the Lord a hug

 and said "I could do this all day" the Lord responded " I'll be with you."





I was attending dream school and the teacher was Jesus the


Christ. We looked at each other and I felt 

empowered. He read a text that said Jαson has done no hαrm 

to mαn. Then he got up and used a cell phone. It appeared he 

was talking but I could barely hear him.

I was talking to some children and said Do you know who I am?

The children said, yeah, you're brother Jesus. I said I feel


kind of sad. Not too many people believe in me. Do you think


someday everyone will believe in me? The children said, You


never know what will happen.





Jesus was locked up in a jail cell, he tried to escape by going


through the slot in the door. Then a sweet sounding lady


 said something like,


silly Jesus the door knob is right here.


Then she opened the


door. I woke up and one of the inmates told me that the door


to the cell had been opened somehow.


 I was flying around town town, occasionally i would come down to earth and get high


I reached out in front of me with hands held together facing the sun.


caught glimpse of my long lost love 



super damn hot tornado hurricane or heavenly golden sun sky


don't be left behind choose the right way


Jesus love you