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I Zeus actually who you may also really know as Jαson or truly believe as Jesus came to an intersection stretching across the ocean. I saw in front of me a large barbed gate blocking a highway with no vehicles. To the right of the gate was a fisher's bay. I saw to the left of the broad road a narrow dirt road. I decided to choose the narrow as my path. I was walking down the road. I heard a voice say "Take off your sandals you are walking on holy ground". I took off my sandals and the sand was very soft between the toes. I heard one of the wind say unto me

"I love you." It started to get rocky again so I put back on The Sandals. I thought of something when I looked at the left of the road. There was a body of water with a steep ledge. When I got to the ledge I saw a family of three. I went to the water and cupped myself some water to drink. I continued back on the Straight narrow road. I saw people walking up and down the broad road. I continued on-ward. I had closed my eyes and steadily made progress up the road. Somehow I had turned around unnoticed and went back and I returned to my course. I then saw a vehicle with lights coming down The Road. I kept walking even when the vehicle roared by me. Then out of The vehicle came evil alien police men and they questioned me and got into my affairs. I kept true to myself and sticked to being deeply rooted in my faith and calling on my way on the narrow road. The evil alien police were saying I was trespassing (on my own trail).  I crushed their head on the roof of the vehicle. They then flew me to a holding cell. There I sang beautiful music for comfort. They were trying to set snares and traps for me but they failed at every turn and when they thought they achieved something it only worked out for my good. The holding cell gave me time to reflect on things. When I appeared before the judge he vexed me with his eyes with obscene racism. I in turn looked upon him in my pure holiness. Satan was there and said his usual nonsense. They had locked me in chains and shackles and one of the shackles smote my heel. Then the evil aliens flew me to the moon where I relived the moment I came into heaven ultimutly being sent on a purpose to hell that I may rescue my sister from her bonds. I believe I have succeeded thus far. And soon will be finished;

 I hope